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Kelly Jones Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Wilderness In Green And Gray by Michael Bresnahan Wilderness In Green And Gray
tenzintenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hello Antoine part three

Regarding the shoe idea. Don’t need to make lasts, just be aware of the shapes that make up the style of each sneaker. The front part, the part that rises to the tongue where the laces or Velcro pass. The side panels, sometimes they have several of them, sometimes just one. Then your definitive brand. Could even put some of your writing on them, parts from your poetry. Have a close look at the construction of these shoes. Perhaps sone of the inmates have or are allowed to wear branded footwear. (Not allowed in the U.K.)You got to get your designs to the sneaker design departments. Even try contacting, Kanye Wests team or Converse ideas marketing department or Jay z, find out where they go to church,. I can see an orange shoe designed by you on the streets, a message to the kids, a reminder on their feet. Shoes are so important to kids these days.

People think we live our lives in obedience to the main holy books, the Vedas, Bible (which is actually a library not a book) The Koran, Talmud. Between the paragraphs the sentences the verses. But we live between heartbeats. We make our decisions between heartbeats. We just got to listen to it. That’s where God is, where he speaks to us. There is a great debate going on in the medical community at the moment regarding ‘consciousness’, where and what it is. People thought it was in our heads, in the brain, but now people are starting to find evidence it actually resides in our hearts. Just as the first people said it was 3000 years ago.
One of the screaming differences between the US and U.K. prison system seems to be poverty. In the U.K. you can get a pretty good legal representation for free. But in your country you get what you pay for. There seems to be a terrible recipe for a long sentence, it’s male, black, poor and single parent family. Although I have noticed a lot of ex army brats seem to be making a showing, I wonder why that is? Maybe a discipline rebellion thing? And a lot of ex service personnel who find themselves on the other side after they leave the armed services. Which is terrible considering these people put their lives on the line to protect the `USA,
I LOVE the way you write and express yourself. It is so liberating and authentic!!! We English tend to get all caught up in syntax semantics and structure. When a newly formed structure, like the one you use is so brilliant, and is actually the dogs bollocks! Actually the correct term for expression that disobeys grammatical norms is ‘streams of consciousness’ form. It’s almost like unimprovised jazz music. I love the way it moves, and demands your attention as a reader of it .
I hope 2020 exceeds your expectations
Keep in keeping on
Much love to you and those you love

Posted on lyin on liquor by Antoine Murphy lyin on liquor
tenzintenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hello Antoine part two.
In 1996 in a Scottish town a caretaker of a kindergarten school went mad and shot and killed 17 children. After this happened the government immediately banned hand gun ownership. And restricted shotguns to farmers and clubs with strict licensing rules. If you are found with an unlicensed gun it’s a life sentence. In the UK life usually means eighteen years with a good lawyer.
We haven’t as yet had anymore school shootings. People tend to use knives, even the terrorists find it difficult to get arms and explosives. Into the uk anyway. France they seem to be able to.
I love TD Jakes, that man makes a lot of sense. The Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist whatever speak about a God. But, in my mind God is a notion that we as human beings are intellectually incapable of truly understanding. We just to have faith that there is an energy there that is loving and accepting. Religious zealots worry me. I have had some uncomfortable conversations with people, young men in particular that do not see anyone, or recognise anyone outside their faith as sharing the same humanity as them and it scares me. In the future we won’t fight over oil or land or property, we will go to war over culture and religion.
Most people walking around’free’ will definitely at one time during their lives done something they could have been jailed for. I know I have. My dad did time, many of my uncles did too. I have a friend who did a big sentenced, armed robbery, he is out now and doing great. We are not the sum total of out mistakes, what I did, or what you did shouldn’t define you. Polish your legacy. Someone in jail told me that one. Polish your legacy. Gandhi did jail time, as did Nelson Mandela.
I watched a USA prison tv show called 60 days in, they got general public people to fake being in trouble and set them into a country jail to try and find out how drugs were getting in. County jail turned out to be a very scared place. The whole jail was like a microcosm, it’s own internal world where the rules between the prisoners was set in stone. No snitching, there were pod bosses, or shot callers where it was all race, and gang separate. You got bullied for your food, your commissary your shoes even. And the prison guards seem to accept this because it cuts the violence down. It was a great show. Mohammed Ali’s daughter was one of the participants. One guy got beaten up by a prisoner who was clearly insane. Another guy turned himself into a boss, it was crazy weird.

Posted on lyin on liquor by Antoine Murphy lyin on liquor
tenzintenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hello Antoine.
I hope you and those whom you love are safe and happy.
First Escape to the a Country, and tv show like it drive me crazy!,, I don’t know a single person who talks like that, or has funds like that. These are 1 percenters.These people with money to buy extra homes drive the prices up in areas, gentrifications and local people cannot live there. My home town is paying for that one. A house here used to cost about $60,000 now a one bedroom apartment costs $225,000 Houses start at three hundred thousand, in a period of about ten years. So we rent, will never own a home, and it is very likely my daughter never will either, unless she robs a bank successfully or wins the lottery. There are lots of show like that. Production companies make these programmes and show you, ‘look at what you can’t have’
My auntie who had the 21 kids, had three sets of twins. Her husband was a house painter and they lived on that. No rich people in my family unfortunately. My mum and dad only had two kids, which was viewed as weird by her family.
You said something odd about your dream and a mint green house. My house has wood work on the outside, very rotted but it is indeed mint green, and inside it does look like an art boutique, as I have lots of statues, Buddhas and art work from my years of travelling. And my daughter is an art student,.and I live on the rounded corner of my road! There was a red phone box outside it was removed seven years ago! Your dream was correct. I think most people in most countries think in England it’s all tea drinking, playing darts and dominoes in a pub and no poverty. Well I am here to testify England is a poor place. Many of us exist on welfare, and there are food banks. My daughter was raised wearing thrift and charity shop clothing, as do my and my husband wear it. You do get some good come ups in the shops though, Levi jeans for a dollar, my husband found a Prada jacket that was two thousand dollars in a thrift store for five dollars and it was real. So that was an exciting day for him.
When I die I will lie in a paupers grave, funerals start at about ten thousand, so even the poor are reminded they are poor when they pass!
The America you left when you entered the prison system, will not be the same as the America you enter when you are released, and you must prepare yourself mentally, spiritually and physically for that. Society is different and people certainly are changed. The internet, phones social media, it’s another world where people interact and it can be toxic.
Boys learn to be men from the men in their lives, or in the absent of these men, from the men around them. That’s why gangs are so enthralling. People in general want people to know who they are and in the lack of that acknowledgement they will exaggerate their personalities and testosterone. Toxic masculinity is a buzz word at the moment. Finding out who you are is a lifetimes journey.
Part one. More coming

Posted on lyin on liquor by Antoine Murphy lyin on liquor
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