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tenzintenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hello Douglas
I cheated, I googled it.
Here’s my riddle, it is known as the riddle of the Sphinx, it is two thousand years old and was engraved on the artefact in Egypt.

What has four legs in the morning,
Two legs in the afternoon,
And three legs in the evening?

All the best

Posted on Riddle by Douglas Blaine Matthews Riddle
Michelle-Julia Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hi Douglas,

How are you doing? We hope you're doing well.
We have been thinking about your riddle and we think the answer might be a drawbridge. Are we correct? If not, please tell us the correct answer.
By the way we aren't native, so if drawbridge is not the correct term, please forgive us.

We thought you might like a new riddle. Please let us know if you come up with the answer.
Here it is:

The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Until next time, Michelle & Julia

Posted on Riddle by Douglas Blaine Matthews Riddle
Mgarci1184 Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
😢 so sad....

Posted on Saddest Day Of My Life by Pablo Piña Saddest Day Of My Life
Erne2017VM Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
It sure does click. We call them Cognitions. Yes WG we have all come a long journey to get where we are at to have the truth revealed to the beings that seek it. Thanks for all the work you have done to wake up the amnesiacs. Sure wish we could help Destiny.

Thanks to you I am helping inmates in 7 states now. Getting reaches out of the woodwork.

Keep on Trucking my Friend. Postulates create our lives and the world. Make them stick. A to B. Thought is Boss. This is more than a Million Man is a World march for all of us to live a truly happy life.
Much love,

Posted on Untitled by William Goehler Untitled
TonyParchment21 Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hey Troy may not remember me but this is Tony...Tasha Son l love and miss you big bro...keep holding your head up and stay in touch ...I'll be checking for a response...

Posted on Cracked Mirror by Troy Hendrix Cracked Mirror
tenzintenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hello Antoine.
Phones eh! People are never off them. Always have one in hand walking down the street, permanently connected, might as well have them grafted onto their bones!
Glad you got to speak to your loved ones. Sorry there is a phone etiquette in place in the prisons, but they are lifelines and everyone need them, So game day Sunday is the best time to get a free spot in the phone queue?
I don’t have a Bible, being a Buddhist. But I did read it a few years ago, probably fifty years ago. I think I will buy one this week and have another look. You might make a Christian out of me yet!
Hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy
Look after yourself

Posted on 2day by Antoine Murphy 2day
Mark A. Sias Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on A New Post from Mark A. Sias by Mark A. Sias A New Post from Mark A. Sias
greermahoney Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Mr. McKinnon,

I have thought of you, and this post of yours on Senator Harris often lately. You must be relieved she did not get the Democratic nomination. Although it's hard to tell if that was because people could see through her and didn't like her track record, or if it was plan racism + sexism. Maybe some of all.

Either way, I hope you are doing well.

Posted on Public Disservice: Dereliction of Duty by O. Mckinnon Public Disservice: Dereliction of Duty
greermahoney Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

I absolutely believe that people can change. I am not the person I was at 21. The you who killed someone at 21 must seem like a stranger. Your continued incarceration does not bring the person you killed back, and it does not seem like you are a person who would hurt someone now. I support a complete overhaul of our justice system, not just parole for lifers. I hope that lawmakers read your letter and make the necessary changes to our justice system. It is failing our country and its citizens.

Thank you for writing.

Posted on Juvenile Lifers Being Freed by Robert Pezzeca Juvenile Lifers Being Freed
tenzintenzin Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hello Douglas
Just to confirm your post regarding treatment has been published on the blog.
I’ve sent you some snail mail which hopefully you’ll receive before reading this.
I hope prison staff see fit to treat you with dignity so that they can retain theirs. I’m sure the row is already a pressurised environment without the need to exacerbate that. But ultimately we are only human and hopefully it was just a one off.
Look after yourself

Posted on Dear Reader......(12-8-19) by Douglas Blaine Matthews Dear Reader......(12-8-19)
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