Hi Michael I see your got back to me. As I don't get on it to see you did for a bit later. It's worth looking and seeing a response. I'll write now and I'll look you up on jpay also. I'll even send a note through the mail to. I mean why not. I have a hard time asking the question " how you doing ". I got to come up with a different why to ask . I'm thinking are you making the time your time/ your life the best you can with the different way life has become being behind the walls of hell?? I guess you adjusted to the new way of life? I'm not even sure how one does or how long it would take to expect that it's move in ready. And one has no choice other than that day all rules and nothing is in your control. Maybe you could explain how the day starts and ends? I can have a better understanding so computation will be on a better level. I'll know how to approach my wording towards you. I don't want to say stupid things or sound stupid. I just never been locked up . I get it and I seen TV. Movies/ news. Friends locked up 15 plus years and wrote them. I'm very sure I sounded really stupid writing letters to them at first. They just mostly appreciated a friend. I knew them growing up who landed themselves in prison. I don't judge I just see people for just that. People and people get themselves in places without thinking the outcome if. Or they get influenced. Or upbringing. Or there lack of judgment is off because of upbringing or drugs or something else. I do get everyone is human and everyone needs a friend without judgment. That be me I'm sure I could have gotten in trouble more than once. I just knew that it wouldn't be good to keep it going after 16 years old. Yes sure I got it out of me young. No record before the age of 16. I seen jail then and dropped charges. I either cared enough about me. Or I grew up ( no I never grew up) 51 now with cancer. But I'm free to fly one day and sooner than later . I don't like to bring up my cancer so much I find people don't wanna hear that I'll die because there is no cure for the cancer I got. It's spreading I just smile and make the best of my days as I possibly can. I push because I have no choice. Kinda like people in prison. Just make it for whatever it's worth. I feel awful every day. Weak like worn out. Mind over matter is a big way of life for me. I'll be in touch with you Michael. God bless 🙌. Julianne Ashford from ocala FL 34473.
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