If I remember correctly, when someone leaves a negative comment, you never see it. A good idea to have someone filter your received comments and to ignore all the negative Nancies out here John. What's the saying in America? If people aren't talking about you, then you aren't doing anything right.
Negative Nancies hate being ignored, it's hilarious, because they seek affirmation. And for you to never even see what negativity they write, is very positive. Their jealousy eats at their soul, and hate controls them. It is not until they find God and learn forgiveness that they can find self peace. Even if not religious, they are lost souls knowing nothing but blame and hate, stuck in the past.
Some of them so jealous of you that they even started a rumor that you were dead. 😆
kudos to you for surviving and being alive. Keep at it, with your elegant and brilliant writing, your beautiful art, your teaching to help prisoners less fortunate, and all the great things you continue to do to make the world a better place. The hundreds of prisoners that now have a GED because of your help, will have better chances in society, and less chance of commitment of on other crime.
I believe in forgiveness and second chances, and my heart is light weighted and full of love and life. Right now, I smile, and I am happy. This is the way.
All of this aside, you were found guilty because you are guilty. You killed Ryan. You had a list of targets. You said you did it out loud to multiple people. You murdered a man.
The PLRA should be repealed. It was bad policy in the 1990s — an era full of unfair, punitive, and racist criminal justice laws — and allowing it to continue today is even worse policy. As this graph demonstrates, the rate of civil rights filings in federal court immediately dropped following the passage of the Prison Litigation Reform Act.
Thanks for the reply! I can answer your questions for sure!
You are communicating with a 35 year old female who lives in Tennessee (always been here). I am a registered nurse. I read about this website somewhere in the depths of my research into something, but I can’t remember what I was looking for. It had nothing to do with you. I was browsing through the authors on here and you were the only one I stuck with. My hobbies are atypical for a 30- something, so it isn’t weird that I would be interested in a prisoner’s writings. When I’m not reading and researching history, I am out in the cemetery cleaning graves that are over 100 years old. I use a special cleaner (same stuff that Arlington uses) and get stones to look brand new.
So, that’s a little about me. Look forward to any other writings and I hate you didn’t have the encouragement that you deserve!
I pray all is well given the circumstances. Hopefully you remember me I visited you many years ago. I'm Chucky son mother. I remember you being a good man always smiling and generous. Have you heard anything back about your case being overturned?
I was wondering if I'd hear from you. Your right it takes awhile . I don't reply to many post I read. I don't read to many either. Only ones that catch my attention in about the first sentence. Or even just a sentence from the middle. If it does then I start reading away. I'm sure it's been quite a experience for you being behind bars then with a life sentence. Your mind has to regroup itself on a level?? Sure what do I know. I can only imagine how the mind has to get right on the same page as reality. Being that freedom once was to freedom won't ever be again. Not sure how long you started your sentence . Probably don't matter if I know or not. Kinda curious is all? Curious how come your doing life? Not sure I need to know. I probably don't need to know. Curious is all. Where are you housed at? By the way your hand writing is amazing. Very neat and well worded. Me I'm no body and my writing sucks. Typing sucks my finger getting pins and needles. You go by Maze you say. Why is that? I'm full of questions . I'm not sure why. Not sure it matters if you answer or not. I'm not a person who ever asked any questions to or about anything in my life. So it seems weird as hell to me that I asked you questions. I do know a very few people who like to question . I'm well I was not that person. Look at me I'm asking questions. More because I'm curious about you. I hope you don't take that any kind of way. I'm just a girl who can't sleep most nights. Bord most nights. Sick most days . My life sentence is cancer.Anyway I trust no one and I never cared to asked anyone questions probably because I really never cared about anyone long enough to care to ask . I didn't think people had feelings or maybe I just didn't care. Cancer changed me just a little bit differently. So maybe I really do care. I just don't know. I thought I'd tell you a bit about myself. Not that it matters but maybe you can understand why I responded to your post I read. I cant remember what it was I responded to. That be brain cancer. It's not to far gone it's working its way now that it's full blown in my bones. Organs come right behind bones. Kidneys/ liver. Matter of time. I'd say within the new 6 months. But hell who am I to sat. 4 in I was told 5 years . But then it returned they say once that happens it can be less than 36 months. I just don't know but. Bird you with my nonsense. I appreciate. Heck maybe your ok listening to my world for a minute.im starting to fall asleep now. I'll be looking forward to have a letter back from you. Til then I'll be waiting
A federal study showed among healthy offenders age 65 and over the recidivism rate was 13% over an eight year followup after release compared to 67% recidivism rate for those released at 21 years old. I think this study should have delved deeper into the question of the state of health at the time of release, rather than the age. Terminal conditions should be given special consideration, it is humane. The antidotal evidence you cite Robert is heart-breaking. Who would have a good attitude in the circumstances of a medical unit? I have visited infirmaries and the conditions are far from ideal for healing or rehabilitation.
Staff shortages nationwide force the nurse to offender ratio into the inhumane category. Pain control, regularity of required meds, and mental health issues and symptoms associated with elderly conditions, all contribute to the insufficiency of the system to handle "quality of life" health care. If the humanity issue does not get your attention, perhaps the cost of required standards of care should. As more medical systems are outsourced and infirmaries are treated as cost and profit centers, the actual and hidden costs of incarcerating the elderly is ballooning out of control while at the same time, the quality of care is shrinking rapidly.
More than all that, this is a dignity-of-life issue. Pope Francis puts it like this..."We have created a "throw away" culture which is now spreading. It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new. Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those excluded are no longer society's underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it. The excluded are not the "exploited" but the outcast, the "leftovers".
Is this how ANYONE should be treated? As leftovers? It is time we look at ourselves America and ask, what have we become when someone with dementia or crippling age-related sickness is warehoused in what is essentially a death camp? Come on America, we can do better.
Negative Nancies hate being ignored, it's hilarious, because they seek affirmation. And for you to never even see what negativity they write, is very positive. Their jealousy eats at their soul, and hate controls them. It is not until they find God and learn forgiveness that they can find self peace. Even if not religious, they are lost souls knowing nothing but blame and hate, stuck in the past.
Some of them so jealous of you that they even started a rumor that you were dead. 😆
kudos to you for surviving and being alive. Keep at it, with your elegant and brilliant writing, your beautiful art, your teaching to help prisoners less fortunate, and all the great things you continue to do to make the world a better place. The hundreds of prisoners that now have a GED because of your help, will have better chances in society, and less chance of commitment of on other crime.
I believe in forgiveness and second chances, and my heart is light weighted and full of love and life. Right now, I smile, and I am happy. This is the way.
Please sign the petition today!
You are communicating with a 35 year old female who lives in Tennessee (always been here). I am a registered nurse. I read about this website somewhere in the depths of my research into something, but I can’t remember what I was looking for. It had nothing to do with you. I was browsing through the authors on here and you were the only one I stuck with. My hobbies are atypical for a 30- something, so it isn’t weird that I would be interested in a prisoner’s writings. When I’m not reading and researching history, I am out in the cemetery cleaning graves that are over 100 years old. I use a special cleaner (same stuff that Arlington uses) and get stones to look brand new.
So, that’s a little about me. Look forward to any other writings and I hate you didn’t have the encouragement that you deserve!
A federal study showed among healthy offenders age 65 and over the recidivism rate was 13% over an eight year followup after release compared to 67% recidivism rate for those released at 21 years old. I think this study should have delved deeper into the question of the state of health at the time of release, rather than the age. Terminal conditions should be given special consideration, it is humane. The antidotal evidence you cite Robert is heart-breaking. Who would have a good attitude in the circumstances of a medical unit? I have visited infirmaries and the conditions are far from ideal for healing or rehabilitation.
Staff shortages nationwide force the nurse to offender ratio into the inhumane category. Pain control, regularity of required meds, and mental health issues and symptoms associated with elderly conditions, all contribute to the insufficiency of the system to handle "quality of life" health care. If the humanity issue does not get your attention, perhaps the cost of required standards of care should. As more medical systems are outsourced and infirmaries are treated as cost and profit centers, the actual and hidden costs of incarcerating the elderly is ballooning out of control while at the same time, the quality of care is shrinking rapidly.
More than all that, this is a dignity-of-life issue. Pope Francis puts it like this..."We have created a "throw away" culture which is now spreading. It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new. Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those excluded are no longer society's underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it. The excluded are not the "exploited" but the outcast, the "leftovers".
Is this how ANYONE should be treated? As leftovers? It is time we look at ourselves America and ask, what have we become when someone with dementia or crippling age-related sickness is warehoused in what is essentially a death camp? Come on America, we can do better.