I'm glad that your faith helped you stay true to yourself, even while enduring the difficulties of situation that you were put through. Your perspective really is interesting, going from someone who was merely a prisoner for so long to a Certified Peer Specialist, as you are now. Thank you again for sharing!
Hey Paul!.. how are you my brother!. I've been reading your forum and I'm so glad you are doing good!.. this is your old friend Aaron West.. from York,PA!. I remember we used to hang out all the time.. lift weights and run around.. I've often wondered how you are doing my brother... not sure if you will remember..ad ots been many many years!. I'm not sure of your address, otherwise I'd write you.. but either way know that you have loved ones and friends that are here for you!.. Let me know thar you got this and I'll write more.. and if you need anything bro.. let me know!. Aaron West
I think we all understand this, but people are shitty. Most peoples sense of justice is simply revenge. Often this model is as a result of unhappy people.
I'm glad that your faith helped you stay true to yourself, even while enduring the difficulties of situation that you were put through. Your perspective really is interesting, going from someone who was merely a prisoner for so long to a Certified Peer Specialist, as you are now. Thank you again for sharing!
well done Whispers. Glad to see you get this documents. Be Blessed. Erne
47 S. 8th st.
Lebanon, PA. 17042
Let me know thar you got this and I'll write more.. and if you need anything bro.. let me know!. Aaron West