Hi! CJP, thanks for pointing out the error. The post has been fixed and put in the correct order, and additionally, the transcription has been re-ordered and fixed as well. Apologies for the error.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I enjoyed this transcription, you are very wise. Have you ever thought about using your experience to talk to young people about your life, it might keep them on the straight and narrow, if they will let you in prison that is, I don't know if or when you are going to get out.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope that you are feeling better now. Please be careful with your shoulder, we hurt for a reason, it is our body's way of telling us something is wrong. My step-father had a very sore shoulder and after doing an X-Ray it was found that the damage was structural and that exercise was making it worse. Take care.
Hollo Ronald, what a shame to read this letter, it makes christianity so CHEAP !!!!! Sorry , sorry , sorry........ the Word of God said..freelly you receive, freelly give!!! God don't first asked a donation to bless and to love you, His love and His Salvation is FREE, it ONLY cost FAITH IN CHRIST!!! God love you, and He know's your heart.
After working on this transcript for over 2 hours, it became apparent that the pages have been uploaded in reverse order. To be honest after writing it up for so long and it not being in the right order has left me unmotivated. I hope that somebody else who has the time can finish the transcription.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. If only I could read Spanish, never mind, I hope I still get points for effort for trying to translate!
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I tried my best to type it up for you, but being in a foreign language means that there may be some mistakes, I would have been fine with French but I know next to know Spanish/Portuguese.
It's good to see that other people are becoming interested in your writing and transcribing it, together with sending you some messages. I hope the future looks a little less bleak now that you are receiving some help to get your writitng on to the worldwide web.
I found your site just by coincidence, I guess,but they're saying all happens for a reason. And I believe so.
So today -I hope you'll get it ''today': February 17th? as they mention it here.
A new year, a new beginning, that's right.
A late Happy Birthday to you, from me!
I am a woman, from Belgium. 65 of age, but feeling way younger. :)
I read your blog and I saw you've another email; so, I can write you there also?
Anyway, I was reading some of your writings and decided to write you.
Much strenght continuing your fight, Daniel!
greetings from Rita
Ps. I am a painter and love poetry!
With best wishes