Hi Wil, thanks for responding and we've exchanged more communication as well now.
On the many rooms, I'll talk to you when I see you about this as I didn't understand it. I think everything you said to your kids is great and very clear and very caring.
Yes, the pamphlet on a New Slant on Life did make it onto your blog. I know what you mean about "if you had read it earlier". I guess we all need help with things sometimes and it's hard to get help or it's hard to trust the help you get or there is always something wrong with help, but in the end I think it IS possible to help people, to help your kids, to help yourself, to help me, etc. HELP IS POSSIBLE in other words, despite the things that have happened in our past.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I can understand what you mean about viruses spreading like wild-fire in such conditions, when I was in hospital they had a legionnaires outbreak and then a couple of months later on there was a norovirus outbreak on a different ward, and it was in a hospital where we were already immuno-comprmoised. I hope that they make the necessary changes to prevent the problem.
"A fellow classmate being bullied"?. Are you nuts? This is one of the most dangerous inmates in Indiana. There are people that need to be released, but he isn't one of them. I'm sure he's done way more to other inmates than what we know. You are so crazy. This dude is one of the biggest bullies in the world. Finally the people of our civilized society got tired of being bullied, so we put him away. Then he was such a bully in prison that he has to be held in a prison inside the prison. If he were to get out, would you let this angel live at your house? I think not. There are inmates that are truly in prison unjustly and you are trying to get a violent, dangerous inmate released. Mam, you should be put in prison with him.
Sgt Linley: I would like to help you and your sons, is there any way I can send a donation to help out as a volunteer at the USO I have a special spot in my heart for the USMC and you are on my list. Let me know where I can send my donation. Sincerely, Georgina Kelly.
Your story was quite intriguing -- enough so that I checked out the AVP website as you suggested. The information and videos are very enlightening and have really started expanding my thinking. I teach in a high school, so understanding a little more about the root of violence is important.
On the many rooms, I'll talk to you when I see you about this as I didn't understand it. I think everything you said to your kids is great and very clear and very caring.
Yes, the pamphlet on a New Slant on Life did make it onto your blog. I know what you mean about "if you had read it earlier". I guess we all need help with things sometimes and it's hard to get help or it's hard to trust the help you get or there is always something wrong with help, but in the end I think it IS possible to help people, to help your kids, to help yourself, to help me, etc. HELP IS POSSIBLE in other words, despite the things that have happened in our past.
I would like to help you and your sons, is there any way I can send a donation to help out as a volunteer at the USO I have a special spot in my heart for the USMC and you are on my list.
Let me know where I can send my donation.
Georgina Kelly.
Your story was quite intriguing -- enough so that I checked out the AVP website as you suggested. The information and videos are very enlightening and have really started expanding my thinking. I teach in a high school, so understanding a little more about the root of violence is important.
Thank you for your story!