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Childeric Maxy Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Time Stand Still by Childeric Maxy Time Stand Still
Rita Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hello George,

it is the third of February.... and I still didn't get a letter from you?
You said you would send a letter right away after the one of the 11th of January.
I didn't see it .. yet...

I hope all is well with you? You got the news Lynn is born? She was born on the 21st of January! Weighed 3,710 kilos and measured 51 centimeters; that is about half a meter.
She is a healthy little girl!!

A letter of mine came back, because of 20 cent too less on a envelope. It is sent back to you.

I miss you... love, Rita

Posted on "C" Number Prisoners: pawns Of the Demagogues by George Peter Jr "C" Number Prisoners: pawns Of the Demagogues
Julia Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Dear Michael Lucas,
I just read your blog "Warzone to warehouse" and I take my hat off to the clarity with which you are able to describe prison politics, prison life and your journey through it, after all these years.
I want to share some thoughts with you on the animal issue you brought up at the end of it. I am living in Europe and you have heard the same thing from a Tunisian refugee living on the streets here (the dogs are treated better than us). I also remember that a German shepard has by law the right of more square meters than a asylum seeker in Germany. And while I am not, as you are not, pleading for a bad treatment of animals, how we treat our fellow humans and how we allow them to be treated is a shame.
But you know, animals are easily mastered and don't talk back, at least not in a language we understand properly, human beings are more difficult and complex. I sometimes wonder if the history of colonialism doesn't kick in with this item too, saving animals as being the old saving non-Europeans from themselves.
I hope this note finds you in good health and spirit and I hope you can leave this prison system soon. Take care and wish you best, Julia

Posted on Warzone: To Warehouse by Michael Lucas Warzone: To Warehouse
Rita Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hi Kelly,

Look closely at the present you are constructing.
It should look like the future you are dreaming... Alice Walker

The future remains shrouded in mystery and the past is over, forever...


Kelly, I got your letter! I will send one your way, ok?

Here is my address for e-mailing for Little Pilgrim:
Can you give it to her please?

'It's about knowing how to accentuate the positive, so radiant colors shine through. So go on, take a look at how you can bring but the positives this week to live the best you can'.

All the best, only the best for you, Kelly! :)))
Take care and smile a smile for me.

Posted on Untitled by Kelly Jones Untitled
lamontstormie Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Please be in favor of this and sign the petition at My husband and my children need this so he can come home and be a father and husband. He made a mistake that didnt hurt anyone but his family and we have suffered enough. We have done our time and then some. God bless you
Fed ID # 33392-379

Posted on FedCure Special Report: by Kyle De Wolf FedCure Special Report:
Teddy Drake Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Crying Out! by Teddy Drake Crying Out!
ESLER Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite

I was so surprised to hear from you! Your letter was so beautiful and touching, I could hardly read it through my tears. You can't imagine how profoundly it affected me.

It's humbling to think that I may have played a part in helping you recognize one of your talents, especially one that is so important to you now. For me, there is no greater reward than that of knowing I made a difference in the life of a student. It's why I get up every day and put up with all the 'craziness!'

I remember you had a few crazy moments, too! You always did something to make me smile! You were so full of life and energy (and mischief at times!) You were a good kid, but there was more to it than that. It was so easy to like you, and when I started reading your stories, I understood why. You had a heart of gold!

I am so very glad that you've rediscovered that part of yourself and that you are sharing it. I look forward to reading more of your stories and poems when you are ready to share them.

Again, thank you so very much, Jesus. Your letter will stand forever as a pinnacle of my career and my life. Miles de gracias!

Warmest regards,
Ms. Renegar

Posted on Mama, Your Child Cries No More by Jesus Andrade Mama, Your Child Cries No More
Lavender Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I've finished a transcription for one of your posts. I hope I read your writing accurately and that any typing errors on my part don't detract from people's reading if it. Good luck with your campaign, and if and when I get more time, I will transcribe more of your posts.

I cannot imagine what your life is like, but it sounds like a living hell. My heart goes out to you.

Posted on Court Of Public Opinion Appeal by Milo Rose Court Of Public Opinion Appeal
hescoba Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I totally agree and feel your pain and frustration. I think it's important not to ask why but how we continue to move with our values.

Posted on Somethings Don't Make Sense-Corner by Jennifer Johnson Somethings Don't Make Sense-Corner
Paul Posted 11 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
This is something you should talk to psych about. It is called 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder'

You believe that using your full name lends gravitas and authority to your drivel. In fact it is a barrier to your audience. It feels a bit ostentatious, even priggish. Us mere mortals can get by perfectly well without its use.


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