I realize you use this blog primarily to communicate with your family. Therefore, I apologize for intruding. Reading through the different blogs, your's caught my attention with your words and positive outlook. I just have to say that you are brilliant!! There is no other way to say it other to than to be frank and to the point. The advice you give to your children is so well written. I have three grown children myself and often I am at a loss for words in the advice department. I also love your artwork. You are very talented. Although it seems you have made your mistakes like we all have, it appears you have reconnected with your children and you show them that you love them very much. Lol, possibly sometime I might pick your brain on how to word the advice I give to my own children. Keep up the positive attitude, the blogging and the lovely artwork, I look forward to seeing more.
I have been 'out' for some time, my holidays with Christmas and new year kept me much busy and in january of this year, I helas stayed for some 12 days in hospital. Wel everything seems to be OK again. I mailed Rita this evening, maybe we can meet some day. That would be very nice!
Nice to read you do some meditation again. You're right, even 10 minutes each time can make a change in your life.
I'm reading some nice book about a man who was for 34 years warden in a Belgian prison. He did a lot to improve the situation of the prisoners, b.o. by giving opportunities to follow courses which enabled them to work when they got free again. He Always found the right people on the right places to work out his ideas. He worked with an open door system, this means that some parts of the day the prisoners are free to move around within the four walls. Prisoners were also enabled to learn to cook and so on.
Well get to sleap now, send you a big hug and all my kind thoughts,
I read your story on the February 2014 issue of the Time Magazine, my eyes were welled with tears -- the tears mixed with sorrow, indignation, inspiration, and compassion........
I'm a 60-year old Chinese American woman. As with my fellow Americans, we are indebted to people like you who risk their lives to protect our country so that we can live in a comfortable and safe environment. And some can even continue their relentless pursuit of material wealth, which they use to lobby the government to set the policies to further their gains. But for those VAs who had sacrificed their family and normal life for a noble cause and retuned with PTSD, our government could and should do a better job to give them the care they deserve.
"When you strive to be best, work hard, and be honest in life it's not supposed to end up like this". My heart goes out for you. I find it admirable and respectable that despite all the hardships you have gone through, there is not a trace of cynicism or resentment which are instead replaced by faith and hope.
I just want to send you a small note to express my gratitude and pay respect to you and your fellow marines and let you know that you are not alone.
and btw I love your toons .. just don't um unfderstand a few of em.. prolly from lack of sleep .. I love you Daniel .. you will have somethimg special on valentimes day love always your wifey for life crystal b
I love you very much to Daniel.. and as for the cartoons I do very much enjoy them.. and I've also finally gotten enough money on the phone for you to call .. I'm sorry I haven't written you a handwritten letter I've sat down many times and started only to be interrupted by the grandmother and kids.. and then I loose thought and track of mind .. you have something very special coming to you for valentine's day though and there is ten dollars on the phone for whenever you would like to call again.. I work from 3 to 11 my time which is a hours difference from you .. so if you call at three your time ill get it around 2 my time .. I love you Daniel .. always!!!
I realize you use this blog primarily to communicate with your family. Therefore, I apologize for intruding. Reading through the different blogs, your's caught my attention with your words and positive outlook. I just have to say that you are brilliant!! There is no other way to say it other to than to be frank and to the point. The advice you give to your children is so well written. I have three grown children myself and often I am at a loss for words in the advice department. I also love your artwork. You are very talented. Although it seems you have made your mistakes like we all have, it appears you have reconnected with your children and you show them that you love them very much. Lol, possibly sometime I might pick your brain on how to word the advice I give to my own children. Keep up the positive attitude, the blogging and the lovely artwork, I look forward to seeing more.
In Peace,
I finished the transcription for your post, but I couldn't make out a couple words, I'm sorry....
I wrote you a second letter, did you got it?
I have been 'out' for some time, my holidays with Christmas and new year kept me much busy and in january of this year, I helas stayed for some 12 days in hospital. Wel everything seems to be OK again. I mailed Rita this evening, maybe we can meet some day. That would be very nice!
Nice to read you do some meditation again. You're right, even 10 minutes each time can make a change in your life.
I'm reading some nice book about a man who was for 34 years warden in a Belgian prison. He did a lot to improve the situation of the prisoners, b.o. by giving opportunities to follow courses which enabled them to work when they got free again. He Always found the right people on the right places to work out his ideas. He worked with an open door system, this means that some parts of the day the prisoners are free to move around within the four walls. Prisoners were also enabled to learn to cook and so on.
Well get to sleap now, send you a big hug and all my kind thoughts,
Little Pilgrim
I read your story on the February 2014 issue of the Time Magazine, my eyes were welled with tears -- the tears mixed with sorrow, indignation, inspiration, and compassion........
I'm a 60-year old Chinese American woman. As with my fellow Americans, we are indebted to people like you who risk their lives to protect our country so that we can live in a comfortable and safe environment. And some can even continue their relentless pursuit of material wealth, which they use to lobby the government to set the policies to further their gains. But for those VAs who had sacrificed their family and normal life for a noble cause and retuned with PTSD, our government could and should do a better job to give them the care they deserve.
"When you strive to be best, work hard, and be honest in life it's not supposed to end up like this". My heart goes out for you. I find it admirable and respectable that despite all the hardships you have gone through, there is not a trace of cynicism or resentment which are instead replaced by faith and hope.
I just want to send you a small note to express my gratitude and pay respect to you and your fellow marines and let you know that you are not alone.
Best wishes,
Sergeant Linley,
This was very beautiful and very well written. My father also passed away a couple years ago, and this really hits home.
Keep your head up and you can get through all this!!
love always your wifey for life
crystal b