Jan. 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Harlan - 60 Is The New 40

by Harlan Richards (author's profile)


January 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Harlan - 60 Is the New 40

I turned 60 yesterday and I feel fantastic! When I was
a kid, people started slowing down in their 40s and 50s. By
the time they hit 60 they were looking forward to retirement
and dying. I don't feel that way at all.

I feel like I have decades of life yet to live. I want
to live to at least 100 and accomplish many things. I look
on turning 60 as a milestone, a chance to set new goals, meet
new people and take time to appreciate all the blessings in
my life. I have decades ahead of me to make a positive differ-
ence in the lives of others.

I thought I should commemorate the event somehow but my
options are limited. Old guys in prison generally don't re-
cieve gifts or cards. The physical isolation of long term in-
careceration disconnects these guys from friends and family.
How many decades can you maintain close ties with someone you
never see and only rarely speak with? As these old grandfathers
fade from their childrens' and grandchildrens' lives, they are
forgotten. I imagine it is much like this for old people in
nursing homes. Maybe that's why there is so much elder abuse
going on. No one cares enough for them to ensure that they are
treated humanely. But I digress.

Getting back to my subject, I decided to commemorate my 60th
birthday by giving myself a gift. What do you give a guy who has
everything? Why, a mustache, of course! I haven't grown facial hair
in decades. So my birthday present to myself was to grow a mustache.
And here it is in the attached photo. What do you think? Good for a
few more decades?

I wonder, should I grow a goatee to go with the new 'stache. . .


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