Hello again:
Here I am, exposed before the world! So get a good look at what a true revolutionary looks like.
I hope this file persuades someone out there to make contact with me. I don't want to stand alone in the struggle! This includes you too, comrade "Ice", comrade "Loaner", comrade "Stranger". Let's communicate! Here, the lines of communications remain open.
P.S. Please excuse the wording herein that appears to make my expressions sound egotistical. I don't mean it that way. My ego isn't quite that large. It's just hard for me to make political rhetoric sound otherwise.
Let me hear from supporters of the cause. 100% political prisoner. Eternally!
[赲共, though possibly meant to be 赲共. Roughly translated as "Cooccurrence". Probably means to say "Correspondence".]
Corkey Ogel B-35475
M.C.S.P. A-1 bld. #109
P.O. Box 409020
Ione, CA 95640
2020 apr 21
2016 nov 28
2016 apr 1
2015 may 13
2015 may 13
2014 jul 8
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