April 1, 2017

My First Electronic Message

by Harlan Richards (author's profile)



March 27, 2017

My First Electronic Message

How long has email been around and available to the public?
25 Years? It has now become so pervasive that it is noteworthy
when someone doesn't have it. And many people have gone far
beyond email to texting, snap chat and so on, that they consider
email obsolete. I've never sent an email or text message and
never owned a cell phone or a computer. That's because I've
been in prison since before those things became part of our
technological culture.

I have written a couple of blogs about upcoming email
services for Wis. prisoners - first I was optimistic, then I
was pessimistic and then had to concede that email was actually
on its way. Well, it's here. Kiosks were installed in the
housing units a few weeks ago and they were activated on March
13th. I have an account and a bunch of pre-approved people
I can email. The major difference between prison email and
free world email is that messages cost us 5 cents to send.

I need to order credits on canteen to deposit into an
account and every time I send a message I am billed 5 cents. People
who want to message me must also open up an account and pay
5 cents per message By the time this blog is posted I will have
already sent my first message.

This is a momentous event, something to be recognized,
honored and celebrated. As I was writing this, I decided that
I would write a poem to send as my first message. Maybe some-
thing to show my gratitude and appreciation for having so many
people I can message (there are guys in here who have no
one to email). I'll send my poem to everyone on my list as
my first message.

Anyone who reads my blogs and wants to message me, send
me your name and email address and I'll submit you for approval.

Happy Messaging : )

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