December 29, 2018
The Flawed Character of Governor Scott Walker
There's an obscure newspaper in an obscure town in an obscure county in northern Wisconsin which recently published a Letter to the Editor by an obscure woman criticizing her fellow citizens for voting for Scott Walker in the recent gubernatorial election. If it was up to the voters in her county, Mr. Walker would have won the election by a two to one margin.
The author's name is Mary L. Grabski, and she sent her letter to the Florence County Mining News in the town of Florence in Marquette County, Wisconsin. She went into great detail to explain to her fellow citizens how uninformed they are on the issues which most affect them.
Scott Walker is a very flawed character. All the outward signs of his private life reveal an irresponsible man whose life is spiraling out of control. I had heard that he quit college to avoid getting expelled, but I didn't know the reason. Ms. Grabski informs readers that he got caught cheating in a student election which led to him not graduating from college. Why wasn't that issue raised in any of his elections?
She also recounts his personal finances woes and highlights the massive personal debt he is carrying: credit card debt between ten thousand and one hundred thousand dollars, three bank loans totaling over one hundred thousand dollars, and a Wells Fargo loan between five thousand and fifty thousand dollars. His credit score must be awfully low.
But more important than highlighting Mr. Walker's personal flaws, Ms. Grabski excoriates her fellow citizens for not taking the time to research the issues and policies which Mr. Walker has implemented during his eight years of office. Every single policy has been geared toward pandering to (and rewarding) the wealthiest citizens in this state. The only way Mr. Walker could have won any election is by the majority of people who voted for him not taking the time to do the necessary research and look at the facts.
Ms. Grabski urges her fellow citizens to take their civic duty seriously and vote for the candidate most likely to benefit them—not to vote Republican just because people in that part of the state have always voted Republican. If the citizens ignore the party designation and simply vote the issues, they'll stop electing candidates who enact policies that do the common voters the most harm.
Taken from Florence Mining News, Vol. 140. #44, Nov. 21, 2018
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