!had to log in first.Karel wrote it to me. His wife M didn't go out for a complete month!At 60 she just is on retirement. But her wage is that low!She might consider to work longer?They can't go to a park. The quarentine was real severe!No people in the streets practically.But we have many deads;our quarentine is not that severe here.They showed on tv in America dead people in BE was the highest in rate.That is because we're counting differently.Residents in a home or care center for elderly people,die easier and they counted them as if they died from Corona;as they hadn't taken enough tests.:(That in a way is not a real good number of course!But in the taking of numbers of deaths in the whole world,there were done many manipulations!Not accurate numbers.Just to prove there were not THAT many!We've counted in a way too many and that's why we were there on top of the list!But is is extremely bad for our future tourism!Our peak of Corona is flattened,and it shows we're going the good way.BUT,we haven't to forget the directed measurements!Taking social distance,washing often our hands with soap,no group forming,nor shaking hands, nor cuddling! ONLY then,we take care of the going down cases.IF we had not done that after a week,around half of March,our line of the grafic would raise straight upwards towards a high amount of affected people!:o We can each time follow on tv the current situation.And there seems to be light on the end of the tunnel.:)What do they actually do in your prison,Kelly?Tell me.I am on a blog with Rob(ert)and they could "zoom",and he saw his daughter after a long time!They retaliated to him and he was put in a far away prison,but we follow on his blog all the phases he has to coop with.Well,till now they seem to do all they can to keep the Corona virus out of his prison,so I read. Kelly,I never saw George this time!I planned to go for a month to America,and I stayed only 4 days! To be continued.
hey dear Kelly,we're in a strange time... from the virus.A rough,rough time!How you do consider this time?In Argentina people over 70 can't go out anymore,unless a valid excuse. But they had only some 82 deads, bec .
ONLY then,we take care of the going down cases.IF we had not done that after a week,around half of March,our line of the grafic would raise straight upwards towards a high amount of affected people!:o
We can each time follow on tv the current situation.And there seems to be light on the end of the tunnel.:)What do they actually do in your prison,Kelly?Tell me.I am on a blog with Rob(ert)and they could "zoom",and he saw his daughter after a long time!They retaliated to him and he was put in a far away prison,but we follow on his blog all the phases he has to coop with.Well,till now they seem to do all they can to keep the Corona virus out of his prison,so I read.
Kelly,I never saw George this time!I planned to go for a month to America,and I stayed only 4 days! To be continued.