you took my family away from me. Carmen Dax. what did you know of her? how long did you know her ?. How do you come to terms with this now that you have had time to think? I remember you picking your nails in the court room and when they showed you the picture of my dead family in blood on the floor in her underwear you had no remorse. that's what I remember.
Hello Doug Another book I would recommend is Carl Jung Red Book. He was a very infamous psychologist, and put great store by dreams. He meticulously wrote out every dream he had each night, as soon as he had woke from them. The mind is an 8ncredible piece of software, and isn’t constrained by walls. Some people ‘out’ in the world are more inhibited than a person in the most locked down of gaols. Are you much of a reader. T
Another book I would recommend is Carl Jung Red Book. He was a very infamous psychologist, and put great store by dreams. He meticulously wrote out every dream he had each night, as soon as he had woke from them. The mind is an 8ncredible piece of software, and isn’t constrained by walls. Some people ‘out’ in the world are more inhibited than a person in the most locked down of gaols. Are you much of a reader.
I was wondering if you have ever read the book by Steven Hawkins, it’s called ,A Brief History of Time.
Best Wishes