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DeeVoted Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Part 2 from DeeVoted

Eric, they limit us in space and characters when we write so I'll start here with a part 2 from my previous letter. The last was written on September 17th or 18th and it's now September 30th. So tomorrow (October 1st) they will be printing and mailing my replies to you.

I've not yet looked into the book , however I plan to. Life has been busy with work and family. My brother who is 9 years younger than I (he's in his late 30's had a pacemaker put in so life's rough and busy at the moment.

I copied off 7 of your mazes. (Thank you for the date clue ... I never would have found it) - so far, well I'm not finished one yet and I think I need glasses! I never seem to make a wrong turn and it fills up so I'll continue until I've made an obvious mistake! Intense! Well done! Loving it Eric! No wonder you're called Maze!

I started watching "60 Days In". I'm not sure if you know much about it. So far there are 4 seasons and I'm still watching the last season. Season 1 and 2 took place at a jail in Indiana. 7 random people were asked to enter a prison undercover to gain intelligence, and critique the jail system - all of it. Including CO's, food, rules, the facility, other inmates. They tried to find contraband, how it was hidden, where, how it got in. Generally , these people had to fit in and live as inmates. The guards did NOT know. So they were thoroughly immersed in the experience. It was raw, and not the usual sensationalized TV show. It was as real as I think it gets. The gangs, prison fights over little things, which inmates grow to think are the big things. At the end of the season, after 60 days, they were secretly released and gave their feedback. Needless to say, a lot was said over unfair, or authoritative CO's. Lot's to say about health care, cheeking pills, food (or lack of). As I get into my conversations with you more, I'll keep filling you in. Thus far I've learned there are some general things that are at the top of every inmates priority list -- #1: RESPECT - give it, get it (but even then you don't just get it) - #2) No snitching - Snitches get stitches - #3 - Commissary is important!! - Trade carefully and collect on what you're owed or you'll be viewed as a weakling #4 - Food trays are everything!! (Thus my further interest in your food on a daily basis is peaked even more) #4) Trust is difficult in prison/jail - It seems it's a population of liars, thieves, drug addicts, well you get the picture. But not ALL are like that! I did see some very upstanding inmates! #5) The NOISE levels are so bothersome that I think my stress levels would be through the roof!

The one thing each and every participant said when they got out was something to the effect -- "Oh the Fresh Air!!" - This prison didn't really have an outside Rec Area so the fresh air and sun/sky was so much more appreciated.

I was going to write things down as I watched but I "absorbed" instead. See Part Three from Deevoted

Posted on Comment response by Eric Wilkes Comment response
Christipep Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Dearest "Teze", How are you doing today? I just have ONE question for you right now. I just wanted to know if you enjoyed the LAST letter you received from me? I hope you were seething in your own little "personal Hell" by the time you finished reading it! I hope you started BANGING your head. no SLAMMING your head on the cenent wall(s) that surround you! And I hope you CURSED my name, by the end. Did you? Well I hope you enjoyed your LAST letter by snail-mail from me? Did you?I NEVER imagined Nour prison correspondence ending in such a NEGATIVE way. But, I wasn't too surprised, I guess. How else could a prison love end? Bot "happily", of course.

See ya- wouldn't wanna be ya.

Posted on This Bullying Campaign Has To Stop by Marteze Harris This Bullying Campaign Has To Stop
Cavak Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Hoping for the best regarding your sentence reduction. Let's hope that something good comes from this costly investigation. Costly because it took so long to get processed, and it has been years coming for you.

Fingers crossed!

Posted on Sentence Reduction by Edwin J. Hutchison Sentence Reduction
Michael Frimmel Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Future Goals by Michael Frimmel Future Goals
WriteOrDie Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite

New projects are in the works for 2019 and 2020. New zines, new authors, new publishing opportunities, and an expanding social media platform. That means more written posts ("raw" posts, as we call it) that'll need to be transcribed.

It all hinges on our work here at BtB. Without you, our multimedia projects become nothing more than mere words written on paper.

If you're interested in learning more about our projects, transcription editing from both our BtB and Facebook pages, you can write me directly at the address below or post me your comment. Or you can start transcribing. :) Thanks for your time and consideration.

Don't forget: please subscribe to the notification feed on the blog if you'd like to know when a reply to your comment has been posted or when a post has been transcribed.

Byron Wilson
P76622, CSP-SQSP
San Quentin, CA 94974

Posted on Transcription Editors Needed by Byron Wilson Transcription Editors Needed
WriteOrDie Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite

Dear Mental Health Care Staff,

Inspite of the 2013 abrupt transitions within the Mental Health Dept, which had an adverse affect on a new generation of condemned inmate participants at the cccms level of care;
We respectfully want to engage you with an enclosed gift of the sixth copy of The Write of Die Line Project that we are calling, "Poetry, Prose & Conz."
We are requesting that your administration please forward a copy of this letter, and would issue #6 to Mental Health Care who is known as Ms. Pam, as this issue is our way to say to her:
"Ms. Pam, thank you for facilitating your Poetry group, and inspite of the groups cancellation, your reassignment to other duties, and the lost, and or distruction of volumes of hard work that your group produced, we was not only able to locate and preserve a few of your favorite works, but also for this special issue, other contributors from the condemned population who are not participants in the Mental Health Program added submissions to honor you and the valuable effect you have on all of us through your positive energy." Return Soon! ,
The Papyrus Collective

Posted on Dear Mental Health Care Staff by Byron Wilson Dear Mental Health Care Staff
WriteOrDie Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Circa 2015

Dear Mental Health Care Staff,

Inspite of the 2013 abrupt transitions within the Mental Health Dept, which had an adverse affect on a new generation of condemned inmate participants at the cccms level of care;
We respectfully want to engage you with an enclosed gift of the sixth copy of The Write of Die Line Project that we are calling, "Poetry, Prose & Conz."
We are requesting that your administration please forward a copy of this letter, and would issue #6 to Mental Health Care who is known as Ms. Pam, as this issue is our way to say to her:
"Ms. Pam, thank you for facilitating your Poetry group, and inspite of the groups cancellation, your reassignment to other duties, and the lost, and or distruction of volumes of hard work that your group produced, we was not only able to locate and preserve a few of your favorite works, but also for this special issue, other contributors from the condemned population who are not participants in the Mental Health Program added submissions to honor you and the valuable effect you have on all of us through your positive energy." Return Soon! ,
The Papyrus Collective

Posted on Dear Mental Health Care Staff by Byron Wilson Dear Mental Health Care Staff
WriteOrDie Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite

New projects are in the works for 2019 and 2020. New zines, new authors, new publishing opportunities, and an expanding social media platform. That means more written posts ("raw" posts, as we call it) that'll need to be transcribed.

It all hinges on our work here at BtB. Without you, our multimedia projects become nothing more than mere words written on paper.

If you're interested in learning more about our projects, transcription editing from both our BtB and Facebook pages, you can write me directly at the address below or post me your comment. Or you can start transcribing. :) Than

Posted on Transcription Editors Needed by Byron Wilson Transcription Editors Needed
WriteOrDie Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Posted 6 minutes ago. editdelete Favorite
California on Blast
An Unjust Imposition

The death penalty in California is imposed arbitrarily and capriciously based on geographical location and the discretion of prosecutors rather than factors related to the comparative egregiousness of the crime and relative culpability of the defendant.

WriteOrDie Posted 6 years, 3 months ago.     1 Favorite

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