Hey Dad, me again. Just had to comment on this one because of it's significance in my life. I've always found it fascinating to hear everyone's personal oppinion on what the difference between knowledge and wisdom is. My answer is very simple. The difference between knowledge and wisdom is understanding, because you can have endless knowledge and not understand any of it. If you don't understand it, then honestly where is the value in it? Now wisdom is having understanding of whatever knowledge it is that you have. To me, that's what makes the knowledge valuable. I hope I don't sound like an idiot right now. I figured sharing my oppinion and sounding like a dumb ass is better than not saying anything at all. That's something new I've learned. I didn't use to think that way . Anyways, I hope this was what you were looking to hear. I love you Dad, with everything in me. I hope you know that. Just like I love Mom. You two are amazing, beautiful, unique, powerful individuals and I'm proud to be your daughter. L & R Your daughter Destiny
Dad, hey it's me, your daughter Destiny. I think about you everyday. I hope you know you are so loved. I wish you were here. There's so many times everyday that I think to myself I wish you were here to help me. For some reason I know in my heart that you can and if you could you would and when you can you will. We just need to keep in contact but it's just so hard to do with the way that I'm living right now. I love you Dad and hope your ok. Please don't ever let that light within you dim at all. I've got a feeling all your hard work will all be worth it soon. Your important. I love you. I really do.
I also saw the most recent question that you put to me: “What does MORAL EMANCIPATION mean to you?” That is a good and deep question. I feel I am on safer ground answering what does moral emancipation mean to me, as opposed to what is moral emancipation, period. The latter question seems harder, since the answer may depend on the context. Anyway, as I see it, there are at least three fruitful understanding of “moral emancipation” One, moral emancipation is the process by which a moral agent becomes increasingly free in her moral decision-making from psychological pressures, including certain feelings, attitudes, or habits. In this sense, becoming free of the fear associated with giving one’s life for others, or becoming free of the laziness that stunts our relationships, would be ways of moving toward moral emancipation. Two, moral emancipation is the process by which a moral agent is released from morally straining circumstances that regularly demand that she make tough or unfair moral decisions. In this sense, ending some disastrous war, in which civilians may be routinely faced with the unfair question of whom to let starve, would bring the civilians moral emancipation. Third, moral emancipation is any form of emancipation that is morally good or right. (This is the most straightforward conception of the three.) So, for instance, emancipating the slaves in America and the serfs in Russia was morally good or right. It thereby counts as a moral emancipation. Phew! Those are at least three conceptions I have of moral emancipation. I don’t know if they reflect or map onto anything interesting, but they are my genuine thoughts. Let me know if you have any similar conceptions of moral emancipation, or if you instead have radically different ones.
Alright, that’s all for now, William. If you’re able to, I would love to check out your “A New Slant on Life” course. It sounds promising. Take care, and talk to you later.
Thanks for the tip on the book. I read the Wikipedia Article about the author, Ken Wilber. He sounds like a very interesting guy. I find his sort of syncretism, which he seems to engage in, very interesting. And yes, I do appreciate your “eclectic…presentations to ponder”. The philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe tried to stay open to new ideas from unconventional sources. For instance, she paid close attention to the brilliant insights her children would throw up every now and then. It’s funny how kids can sometimes be deep and penetrating without realizing it. Maybe it’s because they have a skill to see things as they simply are? Quoting Jesus: “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Anyway, I find it odd you got rebuked for your post. What was claimed to be inappropriate about it?
Thank you for your explication of your previous comments. I think I better understand what you were before saying about subjectivity and objectivity. You seem perturbed by “objectivity” in the sense of being objectified or exploited or deceived by those in various positions of power. If I understand you correctly, I think your point about “objectification through conceptualization” is trenchant. Changing people’s concepts—the ways they think and speak about certain matters—can prove to be a very powerful way to enlighten them, or to control them. For example, one might try changing people’s moral concepts, in order to change their moral beliefs and so morally significant actions. I read parts of a book in which the author, Dr. Danielle Allen, argues that the philosopher Plato tried to change ancient Athenian politics by influencing moral concepts and dialogue. (The book is called “Why Plato Wrote”.) I think one example she studies is Plato’s particular conception of justice. If you can convince someone that justice involves self-control, respect for others, and the like, then you might be able to change their behavior in accordance with what justice apparently commands. As you seem to be mentioning, the power to influence concepts and so behavior can be put to evil uses, just as much as it can be put to good uses. For example, if you can convince someone that justice does not require loving the guilty—indeed, that justice requires hating the guilty, because they don’t deserve to be loved—then you’ll probably change their behavior to reflect the change in conception. Is that what you mean when you talk about “pharisaism, demagogues, and politicians [being] such compelling creators”? Are you talking about them creating and disseminating morally defective concepts, whose internalization by individuals causes them to act immorally? Are individuals partly to blame in internalizing morally defective concepts, because their motivation in adopting said concepts is out of feckless or unquestioning “imitation”? Perhaps I am misunderstanding you; in any case, it is worth getting these ideas out on the table to compare and contrast them with what you mean.
I didn’t think you were inappropriately bombastic in your critique of mediocrity. I took you to be using hyperbole in order to drive home your core points. Whatever you make of him, the philosopher Nietzsche often used the same tactic: hyperbole to make the point. For psychological reasons, it seems, humans sometimes pay more attention when truths are dressed up in loud colors. Also, I appreciate your humility in admitting to not be “a paragon of excellency by any stretch of the imagination”. I think it is possible to speak the truth, to call out and persuade others to betterment, while acknowledging one’s own faults and imperfections. Indeed, if we had to wait until perfection to educate others in matters of morality and spirituality, then just about nobody would get to teach and make pronouncements. Perhaps this analogy is helpful for how to criticize and teach while remaining humble: Calling out others in love and boldness is inviting them to join you on a journey toward betterment, as equal partners; it is not forcing them to worship or serve you for miles on end. (Perhaps some people take criticism the wrong way when it shows up in the political world.)
My love - I didn’t write this past week and not sure if I will next week - but at least this time I have legitimate reasons! This past week we had a hurricane! You probably heard about Hurricane Michael - well, it was here! Pretty exciting! The wind broke off 7 light poles on the main street in town but they’re not sure how strong the wind actually was because the first thing it took out was the monitoring equipment - lol. We lost power during the night Wednesday and got it back this afternoon. Fortunately we bought a big home generator a few years ago (they paid half and I paid half) - it will run most everything in the house if you don’t try to cook, do laundry, and run the AC all at the same time. When there’s no power I just go up to their house until it comes back on. There are many trees and roofs down around here - they’re still working on clean up and all - but we are all well. Ironically, the older children are in South Carolina with a Christian group, helping with clean up from Hurricane Florence - which missed us.
Then next week they’re operating on my eyelids - although it’s plastic surgery it will help with my vision. I thought I was opening my eyes very wide to be able to see better - turns out I was raising my eyebrows, which in turn pulled up my eyelids! Lol. I don’t know anyone who’s had it done so I don’t know if it hurts much after or not so I’m not planning on doing anything next week
I love you - wanted to make sure I got this out on the website and on its way to you so you’d know I was OK.
Oh! I got your letter today - where we live is considered middle Georgia. If you get a chance to look at a map, the closest larger cities (for reference) are Macon and Savannah - we’re about halfway between them
I loved the poem, even though it’s not yours - that’s mostly exactly how I feel - a few differences but overall it describes it. But - we learn, eventually, to accept what we can’t change...to move forward with what we have - particularly since we’ve done this to ourselves. I love you so...
Your daughter
L & R
Your daughter
Alright, that’s all for now, William. If you’re able to, I would love to check out your “A New Slant on Life” course. It sounds promising. Take care, and talk to you later.
It’s always a pleasure to hear back from you!
I didn’t think you were inappropriately bombastic in your critique of mediocrity. I took you to be using hyperbole in order to drive home your core points. Whatever you make of him, the philosopher Nietzsche often used the same tactic: hyperbole to make the point. For psychological reasons, it seems, humans sometimes pay more attention when truths are dressed up in loud colors. Also, I appreciate your humility in admitting to not be “a paragon of excellency by any stretch of the imagination”. I think it is possible to speak the truth, to call out and persuade others to betterment, while acknowledging one’s own faults and imperfections. Indeed, if we had to wait until perfection to educate others in matters of morality and spirituality, then just about nobody would get to teach and make pronouncements. Perhaps this analogy is helpful for how to criticize and teach while remaining humble: Calling out others in love and boldness is inviting them to join you on a journey toward betterment, as equal partners; it is not forcing them to worship or serve you for miles on end. (Perhaps some people take criticism the wrong way when it shows up in the political world.)
This past week we had a hurricane! You probably heard about Hurricane Michael - well, it was here! Pretty exciting! The wind broke off 7 light poles on the main street in town but they’re not sure how strong the wind actually was because the first thing it took out was the monitoring equipment - lol. We lost power during the night Wednesday and got it back this afternoon. Fortunately we bought a big home generator a few years ago (they paid half and I paid half) - it will run most everything in the house if you don’t try to cook, do laundry, and run the AC all at the same time. When there’s no power I just go up to their house until it comes back on. There are many trees and roofs down around here - they’re still working on clean up and all - but we are all well. Ironically, the older children are in South Carolina with a Christian group, helping with clean up from Hurricane Florence - which missed us.
Then next week they’re operating on my eyelids - although it’s plastic surgery it will help with my vision. I thought I was opening my eyes very wide to be able to see better - turns out I was raising my eyebrows, which in turn pulled up my eyelids! Lol. I don’t know anyone who’s had it done so I don’t know if it hurts much after or not so I’m not planning on doing anything next week
I love you - wanted to make sure I got this out on the website and on its way to you so you’d know I was OK.
Oh! I got your letter today - where we live is considered middle Georgia. If you get a chance to look at a map, the closest larger cities (for reference) are Macon and Savannah - we’re about halfway between them
I loved the poem, even though it’s not yours - that’s mostly exactly how I feel - a few differences but overall it describes it. But - we learn, eventually, to accept what we can’t change...to move forward with what we have - particularly since we’ve done this to ourselves. I love you so...