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chuck_bayarea Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Russ and thank you Kae and everyone who helps with this program. Russ I will write you soon, tried to set up a video call again today. You sound great and solid. - Chuck

Posted on It's Good To Be Back! by Robert Russell It's Good To Be Back!
FatherJohn Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
As a man who has sat with the dying, I can attest to the emotional strain the experience of death brings to the living. In an infirmary situation, there is often the mentally-ill, housed with the infirm and those suffering from disease, creating a situation of chaos and noise. A sense of reverence or humility is impossible and sometimes the unthinkable happens, inmate-on-inmate human cruelty or inhumane staff treatment.

On September 29, 2022 Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 960. Assembly Bill 960 would expand eligibility for compassionate release, streamline the approval process, and automatically provide legal counsel for the infirm and dying. The bill changes the eligibility standard for release from the number of months that someone has left, to a wider standard: the of having an incurable condition or an “end-of-life” trajectory. Furthermore, the bill speeds the timeline for compassionate release, requiring the CDCR to refer a case to the courts no more than 45 days after the patient’s physician triggers the compassionate release process. It also changes the standard for the courts in favor of that release, unless the patient can be deemed a risk to public safety. Importantly, the bill removes completely the CDCR secretary from the approval process altogether, an impediment to an extremely high percentage of denials in the past few years.

Each U.S. State should be so blessed as to have such considerate legislation.

This bill was signed after your posting Robert. I can pray that your physician's inside will understand and facilitate the compassionate release of those you point to as worthy of the same. It is time for Americans to stand for what is right and question the prison state that is paid by taxpayer dollars. Moreover, "we should care," because as Christians and Americans, we stand for the dignity of human life which includes the right to die with dignity.

Posted on We should care because ...? by Robert Outman We should care because ...?
Guy S. Alexander Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on In the News by Guy S. Alexander In the News
FatherJohn Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Dymitri, Owls will eat rodents, but rodents the size of mice. Some owls eat fish. But owls are nocturnal, they eat at night. Owls will eat "Pocket" gophers. Pocket gophers possess a 6” body and a 3” tail, and weigh 2 to 5 ½ ounces. This is a small gopher that doesn't sound like one held captive by three or four guys. I appreciate your care for a defenseless animal, but I also would fear infection from animal bites deep enough to draw blood. That medical had no concern for your wounds is callous and negligent. How you were injured should have no relationship to treatment for the injury. It is terribly sad that compassion and empathy cannot even be found in the infirmary. It is dreadful that a nurse who pledges fidelity to the treatment of those in her care, is as cold as ice. In my opinion, the lack of care of a human is much more inhumane than tossing a rodent to an owl. I'm not negating their bad behavior but I am saying humans treating other humans badly is a larger crime against nature than abusing nature itself. Just saying.

Posted on Gopher Broke by Dymitri Haraszewski Gopher Broke
Cjwindowco Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I just got these two message! The one about the Gopher and the other the other one with your new pictures!

Posted on Gopher Broke by Dymitri Haraszewski Gopher Broke
Lucas_hollingsworth Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Cassidy told me to say we don't live here it's no secret she's not very fond of you but I just talked to my mom and she doesn't care if you write me letters I had surgery today and got the mark i was born with off my face schools going good and I'm getting good grades and I can give you my address but not on here can you give me your address from Lucas p.s I would love chess stuff I don't play it alot anymore I play chess with a teacher after school

Posted on Neon Yellow Skys; You Were Everything; 3 Drawings by David Hollingsworth Neon Yellow Skys; You Were Everything; 3 Drawings
prodeathdem31 Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Its a shame you refused to better yourself when you weren't in prison, that it took being locked up for you to better yourself. In all your letters I see no remorse no sorrow for what you did to poor Romona. You have alot of nerve quoting MLK. He was a man of peace and humility who did not disrespect demean hurt or kill women. You are not a man of peace and humility. Underneath all your honeyed words and educated phrases you are still a horrible souless heartless person. A murdering bully plain and simple.The VICTIM not YOU is the real innocent. You say that you've numbed yourself to criticism? You numbed yourself long ago to any empathy or humanity when you kidnapped raped beat defenseless women who didnt do a thing to you whos lives were irrevocably and horribly affected due to your vicious actions. Your self satisfying smirk shown in your pictures belies the black hole in your heart devoid of any sense of compassion or humanity. FYI Felons who were later exonerated the evidence was quesionable to begin with. That is NOT the case with you. Your guilt is beyond a shadow of a doubt. And thankfully for the sake of women everywhere you are still in jail. With a life sentence you were shown more mercy than you showed your victim.

Posted on Believe by Troy Hendrix Believe
prodeathdem31 Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.     1 Favorite
ToyToy Posted 6 years ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years ago Favorite
Do you know the guy? Do you know the case Mr. Judgmental? Or are you just reading into what "they" say and speculating his guilt? Troy is innocent. I feel sorry for you because you cannot see past your own judgment, privilege, and narrow mindedness. To the contrary, Troy is loved.....

Romona Moore was loved too. Romona Moore had family and friends that loved her that can't write her that miss her that are reminded with every birthday that she is gone. All thanks to Mr. Hendrix.

Posted on Boxed In and Buried Alive by Troy Hendrix Boxed In and Buried Alive
prodeathdem31 Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.     1 Favorite
As the one author with some sense on here said to you: You deserve what is happening to you. Romona did not deserve what happened to her.
You have had a chance to sharpen your writing skills and educate yourself. Something you shouldve been doing when you were on the outside something that Romona was doing already.
You talk about your rights I can only hope that you are reminded everyday about the life you took the family friends that you robbed of their loved one.

Posted on Free And Unbroken by Troy Hendrix Free And Unbroken
prodeathdem31 Posted 2 years, 3 months ago.     1 Favorite
Sorry but you are NOT innocent. Actually not sorry. There was no travesty except in the case of the victim who you and your friend brutally beat raped and killed. A beautiful young woman with her whole life ahead of her whose life was viciously taken by YOU. The only person who was deprived of justice was her. You got a fair trial with adequate defense. The evidence and witnesses speak to your guilt. Your protestations of innocence are hollow and show more your lack of remorse for the violence you wrought upon poor Romona Moore, who is far more deserving of sympathy than you.

Posted on House of Destruction by Troy Hendrix House of Destruction
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