Its a shame you refused to better yourself when you weren't in prison, that it took being locked up for you to better yourself. In all your letters I see no remorse no sorrow for what you did to poor Romona. You have alot of nerve quoting MLK. He was a man of peace and humility who did not disrespect demean hurt or kill women. You are not a man of peace and humility. Underneath all your honeyed words and educated phrases you are still a horrible souless heartless person. A murdering bully plain and simple.The VICTIM not YOU is the real innocent. You say that you've numbed yourself to criticism? You numbed yourself long ago to any empathy or humanity when you kidnapped raped beat defenseless women who didnt do a thing to you whos lives were irrevocably and horribly affected due to your vicious actions. Your self satisfying smirk shown in your pictures belies the black hole in your heart devoid of any sense of compassion or humanity. FYI Felons who were later exonerated the evidence was quesionable to begin with. That is NOT the case with you. Your guilt is beyond a shadow of a doubt. And thankfully for the sake of women everywhere you are still in jail. With a life sentence you were shown more mercy than you showed your victim.
ToyToy Posted 6 years ago. ✓ Mailed 6 years ago Favorite Do you know the guy? Do you know the case Mr. Judgmental? Or are you just reading into what "they" say and speculating his guilt? Troy is innocent. I feel sorry for you because you cannot see past your own judgment, privilege, and narrow mindedness. To the contrary, Troy is loved.....
Romona Moore was loved too. Romona Moore had family and friends that loved her that can't write her that miss her that are reminded with every birthday that she is gone. All thanks to Mr. Hendrix.
As the one author with some sense on here said to you: You deserve what is happening to you. Romona did not deserve what happened to her. You have had a chance to sharpen your writing skills and educate yourself. Something you shouldve been doing when you were on the outside something that Romona was doing already. You talk about your rights I can only hope that you are reminded everyday about the life you took the family friends that you robbed of their loved one.
Sorry but you are NOT innocent. Actually not sorry. There was no travesty except in the case of the victim who you and your friend brutally beat raped and killed. A beautiful young woman with her whole life ahead of her whose life was viciously taken by YOU. The only person who was deprived of justice was her. You got a fair trial with adequate defense. The evidence and witnesses speak to your guilt. Your protestations of innocence are hollow and show more your lack of remorse for the violence you wrought upon poor Romona Moore, who is far more deserving of sympathy than you.
Kelly,it says here they'll print it on September 19th.When did you receive it,I am curious to know!No luck with men on the dating site.The Universe will send me the person that is meant to me.This I strongly believe!Nothing happens just like that,all has a reason.I will now make a drawing and send a birthday card to Joshua.He already heard my wishes through his dad on the phone.Joshua designs a logo for the samll engine repair business from his dad.He also has him designing a very large addition to his house.Joshua has a great time with it!He says this:I hope to invite you to see the completed home one day.He thinks they will need about 150,00.00 dollars to 200,00.00 dollars to fully accomodate everyone's needs.He thinks he can find the financing for it all,he writes.My lenses were placed and I've a very good far sight,but I still need glasses for the reading,the laptop and the piano playing.I watch now TV without glasses.It did not cause any problems.A short month one has to use drops,4 times a day two drops in each eye. It all healed by now,and I swim again.And at times even in the rain!Kelly,good you restarted yoga,I do it now and then too. I try to meditate twice a day... I study Italian on,in the evening usually.I also do often rides on my bike.I see so much better now, it was confronting!I see my big freckles and the dust!:))You heard about the death of queen Elizabeth 2nd,I presume.What a great woman she was!Love,and make of each day the very best! Your friend Rita xxx
Kelly,I enjoyed reading your latest news.Well, just a while it rained continuously, and now we have a lot of showers,as to make up for the long drought!All is green again in the parks and else.A lot of good news here!We, artists could turn in 3 paintings,sculptures,metal works,glass,etc in our community house where I live.It was judged by juries(2 young men and one young woman) and from my two classic watercolors they chose my modern and progressive oil painting.Young people choose surprising and work that is different,eh.There were about 70 artists from Deurne!So they had to select the artworks.You had to give the price,in case there was some damage.And I ranked the latter work the highest in price as well.Well, when I write a future letter to you,I will make some drawing in that style.A comic Brazilian black man, gave me feedback,and it helped and inspired me a lot!The public price-person got a solo artshow in one of the 2 ailes of our community house.Then at the reception 30 names were called and I was one of them!:) Those people can have a solo artshow in 2023!I had there already a show-I sold then 1 watercolor"Tango".Now we can expone just 14 days, which is a shorter period then I had.The other good news.Joshua a "great" artist,like a brother to George,will be free after November.I also helped to write a Clemency in his favor.Joshua thinks I am a great painter,and on one of my birthdays he had sent me 8 paintings,on paper and on wooden/carton pannels.Amazing works to me!Also he and George(he drew rather big drawings for me,a talent he had from his Swedish mom; the music talent he had through his dad) made together a fabulous black/white watercolor from a photo of the marriage of my parents!So beautiful!As George knew so well I missed my father so very much through my whole life.Joshua turned yesterday 43 years,just as my daughter, Elke.I tried to call his dad, Dana,but 3 times I missed it,but I spoke in a message for his son.They are the best friends!Joshua even spoke to his son,23,which dated from 2005!He expected the worst,but it turned out so well,and the son was moved,although he wouldn't show it.But his dad told him.Now,Joshua will do a test on the birthday of my "dad",September22nd,and it costs 175.00 dollars!His job in the optical lab is going great.He is up for a promotion,he wrote.The test is called ABO(American Board of Opticianry).Once he passed he will be certified optician(ABOC).He will also receive 6 months off his sentence,his 175.00 dollars test fee will be returned,and an extra 50.00 dollars/month will be added to his pay.When he is released to go home,he will flash his ABOC-card at an optical lab that is hiring, and easily get a job there.I am so very happy for my friend!George would be extremely proud of Joshua!In this prison George himself had a lot of responsability and it turned out his best prison ever!Kelly,I was glad to hear you changed cells.Working in the kitchen seems hard work?A bear hug from
So in a past letter you wrote to your son. Did he ever reply to you? You spoke of a grandson also does he only have the one child? You must be happy to reconnect with him. Also I might have missed it but can you explain how life has been for you behind bars and are you hopeful to get out at se point.
Do you know the guy? Do you know the case Mr. Judgmental? Or are you just reading into what "they" say and speculating his guilt? Troy is innocent. I feel sorry for you because you cannot see past your own judgment, privilege, and narrow mindedness. To the contrary, Troy is loved.....
Romona Moore was loved too. Romona Moore had family and friends that loved her that can't write her that miss her that are reminded with every birthday that she is gone. All thanks to Mr. Hendrix.
You have had a chance to sharpen your writing skills and educate yourself. Something you shouldve been doing when you were on the outside something that Romona was doing already.
You talk about your rights I can only hope that you are reminded everyday about the life you took the family friends that you robbed of their loved one.
It all healed by now,and I swim again.And at times even in the rain!Kelly,good you restarted yoga,I do it now and then too. I try to meditate twice a day... I study Italian on,in the evening usually.I also do often rides on my bike.I see so much better now, it was confronting!I see my big freckles and the dust!:))You heard about the death of queen Elizabeth 2nd,I presume.What a great woman she was!Love,and make of each day the very best! Your friend Rita xxx