I read your post and appreciate the perspective! I've thought a lot about specific behaviors being decriminalized (drug use, sex work, etc) but not about sheer numbers of laws. I feel like cops and prosecutors can kind of do whatever they want regardless of what is or isn't illegal. Like, they were arresting mothers for using drugs despite their being no laws against it but they're basically never doing anything about bosses stealing wages or upper class white guys beating their wives. Strong agree that in addition to defunding the police, it makes a lot of sense to fully rethink what requires "punishment", also lol to the last line.
Amber Lynn I don't know if you're going to get this or not it's a shot in the dark okay I love you I did not walk out on you for anything other than I had not been told the truth and yes I suck as an aunt and I'm sorry you should never have been sent there and I don't care what anyone says I know you I love you and if you can possibly find it in your heart to forgive me there's a lot of time that we're never going to be able to get back but we can start new I am your aunt there's not many of us left I miss my sister and I miss my mom and I miss you and I don't want one more person to go without knowing that I love them if you can't find it in your heart to forgive me just please know I love you and I always will and I'm here in Billings the worst you're going to say is no but I do love you
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