Hi Nate! Just wanted to let you know I created the transcription for "Pinky and The Brain" today. I really enjoyed the story, and so I wanted to give back a little by making sure more people could read it. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out on your blog for more stories in the future! -Sara
I recently read a book that says, in essence, the best managers are people who don't aspire to be managers to begin with. They're the people who pay attention, work beside, and are pliable to change their work operations for the greater good of their team. Often they're the ones who have actual work experience of their team's various positions under their belt, so they speak the same language as their coworkers. If there's something they don't know, they adapt and ask first-hand opinions from their members. They lead with a strong backbone and compassion.
The ones with the worst performance records and lowest satisfaction reports are ran by managers who have managing experience but use that as a pedestal of their expertise. Yes, they can lead and delegate. They can get results. They may sometimes reward their team with gifts. But they also have the highest burn out rates and poor communication with their team. Their general attitude amounts to, "Just get it done. No exceptions."
So you're onto something when you say that the best officers can be people who don't aspire to be officers to begin with. It's been proven already in the corporate retail workforce, and it's not that much of a stretch to imagine it in other careers as well.
I am a graphic design student in Switzerland and like you, I often do zines and editorial work. I'm glad I found your zine and that it travels beyond walls and borders. I like it very much. Keep sharing your creativity and struggles with the world in this way.
P.S.: Right now I am working on a project called "talk to a stranger". I don't know any of you but if you have something to share with me or with the world, be it a photo, poem, lyrics, drawings, graffiti, or whatever, I'd be happy to include it in my project and have it travel for you. I hope to hear from you.
Since Ancient times there have been “volunteer ministers” who have attended to the spiritual and physical needs of the people.
Since 2014, I have maintained a Scientology study group Ministry here at Mule Creek State Prison, as a legally documented entity which has delivered knowledge and purpose to many prisoners who are reminded of their ultimate responsibility toward their own thoughts and actions.
As I truly intend to continue this ministry inside prison and/or after my release, I am taking this opportunity to archive the following (out of print) educational material here betweenthebars.org for future use to enlist others in understanding the basic purpose of this Ministry, and how they may join this rehabilitating service to prisoners, per L. Ron Hubbarol’s “The Man and The Golden Ball” sermon I posted here last July or August 2021.
In July of 1945, LRH delivered a Premier Lecture Series on Scientology, titled the Phoenix Lectures, whereat he stated: “The total empire of Scientololgy~ from my viewpoint, the total empire is an empire of wisdom…There is no effort on the part of Scientology to own or have the allegiance of billions and billions of people or to have thousands and thousands of tons of masonry piled up, with SCIENTOLOGY written across the top of it… The empire of Scientology is 100 percent the empire of wisdom; there is no other empire envisioned.”
-Disc.5, Track 9 (20 July 1954) CONSIDERATION-
I dare say it is sacrilege for L. Ron’s wisdom to be out of print and circulation.
End: Introduction Study Groups Gang He Groups Lonesome?
*Line from "When Our Two Souls" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
When two souls!, precluded a bridge near-long, sanctioned, by prisons' gates, low-higher, lengthened in short 'til hope is wrung dry high 'T' crumble thou a preclusion en wrong -- much!, n’ such abandoned here piles strong. Optimism counter-contends aspire h’ hopes I’d bow my head shamed, less admired The fuel aseek exonerations prongs– *’Where two souls stand up erect; unbound; undivided by fence -of- voltages charge affording friends ‘t’ build bridges n’ meat, “Some perfect christmas -n’- the-summer-found!”
OHHH!, how liberty doeth perfect large, an acre or two ‘t’ foundation sweet–
Read: https://gulabigangofficial.in/444-angel-number-in-love-and-twin-flame/
I recently read a book that says, in essence, the best managers are people who don't aspire to be managers to begin with. They're the people who pay attention, work beside, and are pliable to change their work operations for the greater good of their team. Often they're the ones who have actual work experience of their team's various positions under their belt, so they speak the same language as their coworkers. If there's something they don't know, they adapt and ask first-hand opinions from their members. They lead with a strong backbone and compassion.
The ones with the worst performance records and lowest satisfaction reports are ran by managers who have managing experience but use that as a pedestal of their expertise. Yes, they can lead and delegate. They can get results. They may sometimes reward their team with gifts. But they also have the highest burn out rates and poor communication with their team. Their general attitude amounts to, "Just get it done. No exceptions."
So you're onto something when you say that the best officers can be people who don't aspire to be officers to begin with. It's been proven already in the corporate retail workforce, and it's not that much of a stretch to imagine it in other careers as well.
Wishing you well. Thank you for writing. :)
I am a graphic design student in Switzerland and like you, I often do zines and editorial work. I'm glad I found your zine and that it travels beyond walls and borders. I like it very much. Keep sharing your creativity and struggles with the world in this way.
P.S.: Right now I am working on a project called "talk to a stranger". I don't know any of you but if you have something to share with me or with the world, be it a photo, poem, lyrics, drawings, graffiti, or whatever, I'd be happy to include it in my project and have it travel for you.
I hope to hear from you.
I wish you a good day,
Since 2014, I have maintained a Scientology study group Ministry here at Mule Creek State Prison, as a legally documented entity which has delivered knowledge and purpose to many prisoners who are reminded of their ultimate responsibility toward their own thoughts and actions.
As I truly intend to continue this ministry inside prison and/or after my release, I am taking this opportunity to archive the following (out of print) educational material here betweenthebars.org for future use to enlist others in understanding the basic purpose of this Ministry, and how they may join this rehabilitating service to prisoners, per L. Ron Hubbarol’s “The Man and The Golden Ball” sermon I posted here last July or August 2021.
In July of 1945, LRH delivered a Premier Lecture Series on Scientology, titled the Phoenix Lectures, whereat he stated: “The total empire of Scientololgy~ from my viewpoint, the total empire is an empire of wisdom…There is no effort on the part of Scientology to own or have the allegiance of billions and billions of people or to have thousands and thousands of tons of masonry piled up, with SCIENTOLOGY written across the top of it… The empire of Scientology is 100 percent the empire of wisdom; there is no other empire envisioned.”
-Disc.5, Track 9 (20 July 1954) CONSIDERATION-
I dare say it is sacrilege for L. Ron’s wisdom to be out of print and circulation.
End: Introduction Study Groups Gang He Groups Lonesome?
For the Love of Truth
*Line from "When Our Two Souls" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
When two souls!, precluded a bridge near-long, sanctioned, by prisons' gates, low-higher, lengthened in short 'til hope is wrung dry high 'T' crumble thou a preclusion en wrong -- much!, n’ such abandoned here piles strong. Optimism counter-contends aspire h’ hopes I’d bow my head shamed, less admired
The fuel aseek exonerations prongs–
*’Where two souls stand up erect; unbound; undivided by fence -of- voltages charge affording friends ‘t’ build bridges n’ meat, “Some perfect christmas -n’- the-summer-found!”
OHHH!, how liberty doeth perfect large, an acre or two ‘t’ foundation sweet–
6/15/22; 7:29am WM.Irving-El
I’ve had days of loneliness.
Which bespoke
A poke to speak
I have no one.
Muchless two
Which means: three
I am available
Which people bespeaks
It’s peak here spoken,
to the point passed
One); I have no one
Two) two-sums - one
Three) u’d make me unlonely,
Howdy! Thank you so much for posting a comment. I really enjoy learning from people and it encourages me to keep writing.
If you ever have any comments or questions about something I've written, I'd love to hear more and to answer any questions.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Best Wishes,