Well Mr. Xray, this is me your first love! I thought I would never find you. I had almost given up hope! But now there you are. Wow: not at all what I had expected! I dream of better for you! So much promise and talent gone to waste! My sister Debra made it her business to prove to me that your karma had caught up with you. So she went on line and introduced me to a news clip (video) of your arrest and charges. I was floored to say the least! But the it was with your photo and all. It still so hard to grasp!! The reason I have been trying to find you is: well my daughter Tiffany (may oldest girl) wants to find out for her self that the gossip she has been told about you being her father is true or not! She wants to talk to you her self. She and I have a very strained relationship but I did tell her if she wanted to find out for her self that I was telling her the truth, I would help her find you! If she would stop trying to contact your family on Facebook. I have not told her that I found you however. I don't know what to do! I'm not sure how to reach you! Can we talk? Where are you exactly? I just want to end her confusion. What do you think!
And if the individual isn't arrested and that person is a minor, would the adult go ahead with the sexual act? Lots of what ifs presented in this post. Intent is enough because if the individual didn't get caught, or set up, they would follow through. It has been proven again and again the show "To Catch A Predator". Those that were set up ADMITTED that they would have gone through with the act. So stop spewing this BS and trying to justify your actions! You made your bed, now lie in it!
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I wish I could forgive so easy but when the "father" of my daughter made the choice to have zero involvement in her life and dismiss her like she didn't exist...that is something I can't forgive. I know this creates negativity in my life but that little girl means the world to me and my anger toward his choices is something I can't forgive!
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I am pretty sure that if your 8 year old daughter came home and told you she was pregnant from having sex with a 16 year old you wouldn't be so passe about the situation. Your views on CHILDREN having sex is a bit off! But just like you having an opinion, that is mine!
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Wow Donnie, that was a long one! lol Hope you and Reck finally get together! Seems like a long time coming!
The dog is actually bills sons her name is Bailey she is a great dog I hope my kids give her back whn my boy get out January 2016 a month before his dad also please tell pat to have bill get his other sons number from zach it's ready to get calls I can't wait to talk to you on the phone I just really hate writing my grammar and handwriting suck from over the years....hope the next time I hear from you is on the phone
I don't see what I wrote back ask pat to get my address from bill if bill doesn't have it have him write Zach and ask him for it zach might hesitate use my name nicole and have him explain to zach we have been communicating on here and I said it's ok...or I'll tell him whn he calls also get my number I'd rather talk on the phone hope to hear from you soon
I just did the transcription for this post and you said that there was a poem included but there was noting included. I just wanted to bring this to your attention so you didn't think I was doing you post an injustice or stealing your work, lol!
The reason I have been trying to find you is: well my daughter Tiffany (may oldest girl) wants to find out for her self that the gossip she has been told about you being her father is true or not! She wants to talk to you her self. She and I have a very strained relationship but I did tell her if she wanted to find out for her self that I was telling her the truth, I would help her find you! If she would stop trying to contact your family on Facebook. I have not told her that I found you however.
I don't know what to do! I'm not sure how to reach you! Can we talk? Where are you exactly? I just want to end her confusion. What do you think!
Love always Myrna Hardy (AKA) Myrna Williams :-*
I just did the transcription for this post and you said that there was a poem included but there was noting included. I just wanted to bring this to your attention so you didn't think I was doing you post an injustice or stealing your work, lol!
Hopefully, they'll send out the mail soon. I'm not sure why there is such a delay.
I did look online and saw that you went to another prison. I hope that it was a move that was 'for the better' and you are close to your family.