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britnp Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Johnny! I know it's been ages since I've written, but life got really hectic there for a while. I'm at a new address, and I'll update you in the letter that I'm working on now. I'm so sorry it has been so long - I'm also sorry I missed your birthday! I hope it was as enjoyable as could be, given the circumstances. Anyway, once I get this letter finished, it will be off in the mail! So don't think I've forgotten you/no longer wish to write because that isn't the case at all!


Posted on Untitled by Johnny E. Mahaffey Untitled
vdruhe Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I enjoy your posts. I hope you'll keep finding ways to keep meditation in your life. The more I do it the more committed I am to its value in becoming all the person we are. One of my lifelong struggles has been compulsive eating. Meditation has not gotten me past that yet but I am still hoping.

Carry on!

Posted on The 2nd Day Of Christmas (Blah!) by Kyle De Wolf The 2nd Day Of Christmas (Blah!)
Katemonster Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
As to my freedom, which you say I can have, there is nothing to be gained on that score, as I got my free papers in 1864 from the Provost-Marshal-General of the Department of Nashville. Mandy says she would be afraid to go back without some proof that you were disposed to treat us justly and kindly; and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you. This will make us forget and forgive old scores, and rely on your justice and friendship in the future. I served you faithfully for thirty-two years, and Mandy twenty years. At twenty-five dollars a month for me, and two dollars a week for Mandy, our earnings would amount to eleven thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Add to this the interest for the time our wages have been kept back, and deduct what you paid for our clothing, and three doctor's visits to me, and pulling a tooth for Mandy, and the balance will show what we are in justice entitled to. Please send the money by Adams's Express, in care of V. Winters, Esq., Dayton, Ohio. If you fail to pay us for faithful labors in the past, we can have little faith in your promises in the future. We trust the good Maker has opened your eyes to the wrongs which you and your fathers have done to me and my fathers, in making us toil for you for generations without recompense. Here I draw my wages every Saturday night; but in Tennessee there was never any pay-day for the negroes any more than for the horses and cows. Surely there will be a day of reckoning for those who defraud the laborer of his hire.

In answering this letter, please state if there would be any safety for my Milly and Jane, who are now grown up, and both good-looking girls. You know how it was with poor Matilda and Catherine. I would rather stay here and starve—and die, if it come to that—than have my girls brought to shame by the violence and wickedness of their young masters. You will also please state if there has been any schools opened for the colored children in your neighborhood. The great desire of my life now is to give my children an education, and have them form virtuous habits.

Say howdy to George Carter, and thank him for taking the pistol from you when you were shooting at me.

From your old servant,

Jourdon Anderson.

Posted on States Rights Or Individual Liberty by Kyle De Wolf States Rights Or Individual Liberty
Katemonster Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I thought you might appreciate the below:

In August of 1865, a Colonel P.H. Anderson of Big Spring, Tennessee, wrote to his former slave, Jourdon Anderson, and requested that he come back to work on his farm. Jourdon — who, since being emancipated, had moved to Ohio, found paid work, and was now supporting his family — responded spectacularly by way of the letter seen below (a letter which, according to newspapers at the time, he dictated).

Rather than quote the numerous highlights in this letter, I'll simply leave you to enjoy it. Do make sure you read to the end.

UPDATE: Head over to Kottke for a brief but lovely little update about the later years of Jourdon and family.

(Source: The Freedmen's Book; Image: A group of escaped slaves in Virginia in 1862, courtesy of the Library of Congress.)

Dayton, Ohio,

August 7, 1865

To My Old Master, Colonel P.H. Anderson, Big Spring, Tennessee

Sir: I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jourdon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can. I have often felt uneasy about you. I thought the Yankees would have hung you long before this, for harboring Rebs they found at your house. I suppose they never heard about your going to Colonel Martin's to kill the Union soldier that was left by his company in their stable. Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt, and am glad you are still living. It would do me good to go back to the dear old home again, and see Miss Mary and Miss Martha and Allen, Esther, Green, and Lee. Give my love to them all, and tell them I hope we will meet in the better world, if not in this. I would have gone back to see you all when I was working in the Nashville Hospital, but one of the neighbors told me that Henry intended to shoot me if he ever got a chance.

I want to know particularly what the good chance is you propose to give me. I am doing tolerably well here. I get twenty-five dollars a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy,—the folks call her Mrs. Anderson,—and the children—Milly, Jane, and Grundy—go to school and are learning well. The teacher says Grundy has a head for a preacher. They go to Sunday school, and Mandy and me attend church regularly. We are kindly treated. Sometimes we overhear others saying, "Them colored people were slaves" down in Tennessee. The children feel hurt when they hear such remarks; but I tell them it was no disgrace in Tennessee to belong to Colonel Anderson. Many darkeys would have been proud, as I used to be, to call you master. Now if you will write and say what wages you will give me, I will be better able to decide whether it would be to my advantage to move back again.

Posted on States Rights Or Individual Liberty by Kyle De Wolf States Rights Or Individual Liberty
SapphireJuda Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hi Rhonda,
Great job on your effort to lose weight and stay healthy! You look great!

Posted on Untitled by Rhonda J. Bays Untitled
Katemonster Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

Wikipedia says that Hillary Clinton was born in Chicago and her father "managed a successful small business in the textile industry", so it sounds like you're closer to right than your acquaintance!

paxilqueen Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Try snapping a rubber band on your wrist instead of cutting yourself.

Posted on S.T.I.T.C.H.E.S. by Andrew Perales S.T.I.T.C.H.E.S.
vdruhe Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Well said. There are holes that we carry and they just never fill. Nothing wrong with that. And when you have more to move on to that will have to help, no?

Posted on Memories by Kyle De Wolf Memories
lru Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
From wikipedia:

"Hillary Diane Rodham was born at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. She was raised in a United Methodist family, first in Chicago and then, from the age of three, in suburban Park Ridge, Illinois. Her father, Hugh Ellsworth Rodham (1911–1993), was of Welsh and English descent; he managed a successful small business in the textile industry. Her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell (1919–2011), was a homemaker of English, Scottish, French Canadian, French, and Welsh descent. Hillary grew up with two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony."

lru Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I don't mind that there are so many Chris's out there on the internet. I guess I assumed it just made it harder for people to know what was from me or not, a weak form of plausible deniability, but if someone made up their mind without all the facts, that could bite too.

There are mechanisms to combat this, using encryption. It is possible to publish a "public key" with which other people can verify what documents I've written by comparing digitally signed documents with the public key I've published. As long as I keep the private key private, then people can know what's mine for sure, and view the rest with suspicion.

But it is a bit of a hassle to sign everything you post, especially through media such as Facebook. And so, this feature is hardly used at all by the average user on the internet.

I can't blame them... I hardly use it either, even though I have published a key of my own.

- Chris

Posted on Facebook by Kyle De Wolf Facebook
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