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Javier Victorianne Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Peace and Blessings of the Most High Be Upon You by Javier Victorianne Peace and Blessings of the Most High Be Upon You
Antoine Murphy Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on How Do You Deal With Life's Anxieties by Antoine Murphy How Do You Deal With Life's Anxieties
Rita Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
hi George,

Just got your letter,number335.I hope Santa brought you 'good stuff', because I agree that you were good, sweetie :)) 2018 promises a year you will return home, George... I am convinced it will happen.I believe Jeanine,and send daily light to you and Jessica. For that I put your two names on paper.Jeanine does it,I do it, Renie does it,your dad and you should send light too.We,Jeanine and I met with a purpose!I should think as if you are with me already.The Universe accepts it as truth.And George,we had a life together much earlier in time and had Noel as our daughter. She,Jeanine saw you fulfilled all your karma...She called me an 'old soul' as two people said that to me already before!I will send you a bunch of old photos by mail,but please send them all back in your own time,okay? :)Please don't forget to add some commentary with it.Photos need that!Not some, but all of them.;) Later I met during a dance of light in Breda a young man, 29, Salih. He's half Turkish,half Dutch.From all the people he was in my opinion the most far coming to wisdom!:O
I told him by email he took my attention with his eyes and his smile.We had to sit on a mat together and look in each others eyes and caress each other.He did that with a lot of respect.We had not to talk.He is an artist and we gave comments on each others paintings and drawings.He was very good in doing this; as much I'd like to paint again!I realized only later one of my paintings was a shaman painting.And right now I've two books from the library from Shamanism.It's very interesting!:)
I bought some books to bring when I will visit you: 'The Sins Of The Father- Joseph P. Kennedy- Ronald Kessler, 'Beyond Outrage' What Has Gone Wrong with Our Economy and Our Democracy and How to Fix It.- Robert B. Reich,'Why Do People Hate America?'- Ziauddin Sardar& Marryl Wyn Davies,and 'Voluntary Simplicity' Responding to Consumer Culture- Daniel Doherty.These days I like so much to listen to the cd's of Boh Dylan.What a great singer he is!I will travel to America on March 23rd till April 5th. My first visit is on March 26... :)))
xxx from Rita!

Posted on Comment response by George Peter Jr Comment response
Rita Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
hello dear Robert,I just heard from Melanie that your money finally arrived.I guess it took some time because of these days.But it did. :)
I hope you had nice Christmas days.And for now I wish you a New Year full of inspiration, a lot of creativity, many joyful moments and surely good health,which is important too!And how are your days? Busy with training the dogs?I saw at my daughter in CA how nice a dog can be!I loved their dog labrador!Yesterday I saw on tv a prisoner in BE who liked to meet the family to peace his mind.Two sisters were mourning about their brother. One sister went to see him -the other would not- and they had a meeting. She forgave him, because he felt sorry for what he did.She saw his sorrow. And that was beneficial for the healing process of both of them. I hope one day it is granted to you,Robert.You also long to meet the family of the victim... Time will tell.I have great news.I went one day dancing, although I was invited for a tea with my neighbors,but I had planned it already.In that place,people above the age of 55 are invited and have a good time.Some dance in couple and many women(alone)dance on their own.So,I love to dance on my own,I am used to do it in biodanza and I had fun. A woman came to me while dancing and asked my age. Her friend(a man) thought I was 45n,haha. I told her the age is just a number and it's all about the radiation of that person.Then I went to sit with them.Jeanine,63 and me could relate real well from the very start!She also lives in Antwerp.She told me strange things :o.That I will live a long time. That I was an 'old soul'(they had many lives here on earth)-two people told me that before; and at a much younger age,I didn't quite understand it.Now I do.Old souls hadn't an easy life and their missions were not easy.I told her that I had a drama in my life... and next I told her George's story.She asked me if he had a good lawyer?He has Jessica and she definitely is a very good lawyer!Suddenly she said: Rita, George will be free in 2018! I didn't believe what I just heard!You have to trust me,she added.You have to do something: each day you send light to him and Jessica.You put both their names on a paper and send them light.Also you have to think, George IS already free.The universe accepts this as the TRUTH.I did tell his dad,he was very emotional! I doesn't believe anymore in the liberation of his son...I could more or less convince him. Now George heard it through his dad,I told him by a letter)& he has to do it too.My train- friend Renie does it as well,as does Jeanine.After 3 yrs George has Parole this coming summer, but juries take their vacations and his case will be for autumn.Till then I burn candles each evening and trust what Jeanine told me.:o It seemed to me as if I had a special date that day with Jeanine.We now are good friends!I also have an amazing story on another dance floor,where I went to with my friend Kathleen. In Breda,Holland.Robert,have a great and special year!xxx

Posted on In Memory of My Mom, Beverly Jean Brown by Robert Pezzeca In Memory of My Mom, Beverly Jean Brown
Alestra Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Greetings Zakee! Indeed, I find your writings inspirational. I hope to develop a style of my own that is similarly transparent and self-reflective. I was scheduled to read for the first time at open mic but alas, illness kept me quarantined.

I find the pursuit of happiness overrated. What I seek to live is a life of purpose and meaning. I’ll share with you a quote from Annie Dillard that I took the liberty to modify:

“Dedicate, donate, give all your life to something larger than yourself. To the largest thing you can: to God, to relieving suffering, to contributing to knowledge, to adding to literature, or something else. [Meaning] lies this way and it beats [fleeting happiness] hollow.”

May the new year bring you peace and good health,

Posted on The Pursuit of Happiness by Edwin J. Hutchison The Pursuit of Happiness
samizdatista Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks so much. I am doing a current research on the workings, conditions, resistance and scandals of SCI. I will definitely use your intel!

Matthew Jankowicz Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Matthew Jankowicz Untitled
j.c. Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Rob, I'm not on BTB as much since we are doing GTL so just saw this. :) Please know I'm happy to know you and to call you a friend. You are also an amazing person and I've learned so much from you! And thanks for all the insight on T, it does help a lot. We'll talk soon, my friend... j.

PoeticJustUs Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
I love you

gdf09c Posted 7 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
Dad, I'm so sorry there's been a delay in writing to you directly. Trust me there's a lot I want to share with you. Im going to get on it ASAP. Replying through these blog posts is the easiest way for me to communicate with you for now.

Thank you for sharing that baby pic of me. I didn't think I'd ever see that picture again.

I'll my best to reach out to the family members you've mentioned.

I did want to share this with you. In your first letter you thanked me for "letting the light of God shine through you." That line resonated. The very next day I get invited to a church my neighbor goes to, and it's called "Shining Light Church" and I thought, this can't be a coincidence.

I'm proud to be your son, and proud to be a Field. Happy Holidays, Dad. Take care.

Posted on Untitled by Gary Field Untitled
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