Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I really enjoy your writing and will definitely check out your book. I am posting the link to your book here for anyone else interested:
Dear Doug, HI! So, Jpay is now part of the other website. So jpay works, when you have an account on the new website. The problem is, you need to make a new account there, with an address from the USA. So since I live in Europe, I am not able to make an account. And I can’t open Jpay anymore. I also see that you are not able to receive regular mail. That explains al the letters that got returned to me unopened. I will try and find a way, sorry I have been able to be in touch with you. I hope you are okay! Know that i do read your blogs. And i hope you got the chance to smile today. Take care, Scarletqueen
Thanks for writing! I worked on the transcription for your post. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your friend!
I enjoyed transcribing your note! You're a talented writer and thanks so much for writing!
I really enjoyed transcribing your writing. I support you. Thanks so much for writing and I look forward to your next piece!
I just finished what was left to transcribe of your note and book excerpt. Thanks again for sharing your writing. You are very talented!
I just wanted to take a minute to say hello and transcribe your note. Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us!
I just wanted to take a minute to say hi and transcribe your note. Thanks for writing!
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I really enjoy your writing and will definitely check out your book. I am posting the link to your book here for anyone else interested:
HI! So, Jpay is now part of the other website. So jpay works, when you have an account on the new website. The problem is, you need to make a new account there, with an address from the USA. So since I live in Europe, I am not able to make an account. And I can’t open Jpay anymore. I also see that you are not able to receive regular mail. That explains al the letters that got returned to me unopened. I will try and find a way, sorry I have been able to be in touch with you. I hope you are okay! Know that i do read your blogs. And i hope you got the chance to smile today.
Take care,