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Hayley_Phillips Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Another beautifully written piece. I'm really enjoying transcribing your work!

Posted on Phenomenal Trans by Darrel (Terra) O'Key Phenomenal Trans
Hayley_Phillips Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
This is such a beautiful piece of writing.

Posted on Dear Society by Darrel (Terra) O'Key Dear Society
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I received an e-mail this morning from the Innocence Project stating that today (28 September 2012) the 300th person was exonerated by DNA evidence in the United States, (18 of these have served time on death row) and those 300 DNA exonerees have served a combined total 4,013 years in prison. I don't live in the U.S. I'm Australian and I find these figures absolutely shocking!!

I also watched an interview recently where Richard Branson (of the Virgin empire) was interviewing Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative there in the U.S. where Mr Branson was saying the USA doesn't have the right to impose the death penalty because their error rate is simply too high (I'm paraphrasing from memory here). Mr Stevenson stated that one in 9 people who receive the death penalty are eventually found innocent AND this number will continue to increase! Mr Stevensen also added (again, I'm paraphrasing) 'If one in 9 people died through the use of anesthesia in our hospitals - we'd stop using it... or if one in 9 planes crashed we wouldn't fly, so it makes no sense to sentence people to death with our current insufficient system'.

Aside from all that, it is a barbaric and archaic form of punishment that I believe has no place in our modern world.

I don't understand a lot of what you're saying as far as your case goes, our system works quite differently here, & we don't have the death penalty, but would it be worthwhile contacting the Innocence Project?.

I hope you get the help you need very soon. I can't imagine all you go through but I wish you all the very best!


Posted on A Living Nightmare by Milo Rose A Living Nightmare
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I really enjoyed this James, so much that I read it over & over again (partly because it's school holidays here at the moment & my 2 boys don't seem to value the sounds of silence like I do haha and also partly because your words really spoke to me).

As I was reading your words I was thinking how universal they are. I think everyone, everywhere thinks like this at some stage of their lives.

Thank you so much much for sharing!

[my 8 year old just came up behind me, put his arms around my shoulders & said what are you doing? I replied "telling this person about how my children won't shut-up" He laughed loudly and left the room. I'm also told it's time to go & feed them again]

Take care!

Posted on Close But Far Away by James Collins Close But Far Away
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I enjoyed reading this verse. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am one small voice from society that agrees with you entirely. How uninteresting would our world be if everyone was as uninteresting as I am :)

Thank you for coloring my world and showing those of us that try our best to understand, that the world holds many and varied forms of beauty!


Posted on Dear Society by Darrel (Terra) O'Key Dear Society
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
What a beautiful and inspiring story. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I had no idea you had drama groups in prison but it makes perfect sense to put your time into something constructive that can entertain and inspire everyone involved, in many different ways.

To address your point of those leaving your group I would like to remind you that we all have people coming and going from our lives, it's no different out here (my best friend just moved 1000km away for work & I miss her) we just need to be thankful for the times we do have with each other and treasure the memories we will always carry with us.

Do you know if there was any media coverage (in a local newspaper maybe..?) of your performance? So often good news stories like this one get overlooked for the more sensational, headline grabbing issues, but I always look for stories such as yours. Thank you so much for sharing Raymond! I'm really glad that participating in this project has given you so much, just as I am sure all who watched your performance felt pride in their loved ones as they left that night. Your story warms my heart :)


Posted on September 11th 2012 by Raymond Alderman September 11th 2012
seavee Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Gary: You are doing well with your writting on Between the Bars. May it encourage other who May be able to read your words and those of the Lord

Posted on Reflection Upon 2nd Time 3:16 by Gary Field Reflection Upon 2nd Time 3:16
RussFamily Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Good points! I would add incompetence to ignorance, and other words like distraction and preoccupation, etc. Discerning another person's motivation is always a risky business!
Prayer and patience are helpful.
Russ, Sr.

iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Wow you are talented Terra. This is beautiful. If you don't mind, may I share this on my Facebook page?

~ Jessica

Posted on Phenomenal Trans by Darrel (Terra) O'Key Phenomenal Trans
iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I praise you for your strength. I can't even imagine what you are going through. To be in prison is one thing but to be trans and in prison, must be on a whole another level. I will pray for you.

Reading from sunny Florida,


Posted on Hanging In There by Darrel (Terra) O'Key Hanging In There
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