The agreement had a second prong for the forced, violent physical removal of the so-called "undesirable" inmates.
Some Gangmembers relayed to me that they was NOT involved in said action and agreement with other Gangs. I expressed to them that there is a contribution of Blackness when we as a people hold the White Silence is violence disposition over white people, and Police officers that call themselves good, yet do, and say nothing about fellow white people and Police Brutality and Murder of OUR Black Youth, and yet, Fellow Gang Members, of all races spit on, and toss urin and feces on Black-Gay Inmates in Gang Silence?
Other Gangmembers say, "Well, we got tired of The Homies to fight and Kill each other in Jails Prisons, The Streets, and in The Hood, and nobody has agreed to get Rid of all females.
Another Gangmembers said, "Well Homosexuals be Snitchin, and using prison yards as a Hurting ground to turn out The Homies. I said "Snitchin is a regular Component to ctiminal life, and for decades Gangmembers have been notorious for Snitchin. moreover. When a Gangmember snitches, nobody agrees to get rid of all Gangmembers, and Gangmembers are still snitchin to this day, in fact to Your other part, Gangs are also Known to use prison Yards as a Hunting grown to "turn others out" into being gangmembers, and nobody has called for an agreement to get rid of those that do what You speak of.
Another Gangmember said "Well, 9 times out of 10, agz are in prison for being pedophile Childmolesters, Raping little boys, so they had to go."
I replied that the stats show that most pedophiles, Rapist, and Child molsters identify and present as Heterosexual, and there are more sex offenders who identify as heterosexual Gangmembers who are Black and on so-called Death Row Solid yards than Blacks assigned to so-called SNY yards put together, to this very second. Infact, the very Gangs that are involved in the agreement, made the agreement with, and are still on the yard with, Pedophiles, Child Molesters, Serial Rapist with Media given nicknames and other sex related offenses, and nobody is "Getting Rid of them because they are the Homies?"
The last Gangmember said, "Well, Governor Gavin Newsome supports Gay shit, so at some point, especially if a few fagz get somked (killed), then He will force CDCR to Stop That 5050 program merger bullshit, and the white man brought that Homosexual shit to Afruca anyway, Fuck all Fags, and you're an Abomination
My apit became, IF my Black adverary, with His Brilliant Book writing ass was this ignorant to the Facts, then how much more ignorant was my fellow Black Gay Family? So with love, I created Azande Press Zine Issue Series -F. Smith
In any other Custody Level like Level FOUR, and Level THREE institutions, in the event that other inmates discover that a fellow inmate was Housed in a Non-Designated Prison, that inmate will be physically attacked and not allowed to return.
Therefore, it becomes a very fraudulant claim of any program for LGBTQI+, to intend to end violence against LGBTQI+ inmates at SQSP Because that type of program is only offered to a portion of the prison population that are not under direct threat of violence, and have already signed an agreement with CDCR to not forfit program status through Gang activity and violence.
SanQuentin's other inmate population programs have ZERO inter existence with eachother, for example:
1. SanQuentin is also a Northern Reception Center for inmates who are recently commited, and are awaiting endorcement for Housing within the States Multiple Institutions
In the event that an inmate openly identifies to any degree as LGBTQI+ in these Units, that inmate is subjected to brutal assaults and beatings, that include being Spit on, having Water, Urin, Feces, and Dirty Condoms douced on them, and forced to be rehoused in Alpine Unit which is primarily a P.C. Protective Custody program, with Reception Center Over-Flow tiers
There are no LGBTQI+ Programming and services in Donner, Badger, and Carson Sections, also ZERO in Alpine, where no inmate has signed the agreement with The Department to NON Designated Status programming, as LGBTQi+ Inmates have no place to land, ZERO resources.
2. SanQuentin is also a prison that Houses Death Row Inamte population
1. unit EASTBLOCK 2. unit NORTH-Seg 3. Ajustment Center 4. 1st and 2nd Tiers- DONNER Section
Through fur there resaerch, I also found ZERO Reports, OR DISTRICT Attorney Referrals for the prosecution of any inmate for Hate Crimes against another inamte based on Sexual Orientation, and Identity, as far back as 30 years.
Surprisingly most Gangs and subcultural groups was upfront to state after a recent struggle against The Department to be released from years of solitary Confinement, and back into the CDCR Generaly Population, The Department moved to Change to a different Prison model called Non-Designated programs that would mix the 5050 versions of the programs in all California fusions with Gang Dropouts, SNY's, Rapist, Child Molesters, EVERYone in the same program.
In an attempt to stop CDCR from moving forward with this Model. The Gangs made an agreement amongst themselves to end all of the Hostilities Between the Races, which turned out to be a clandestien shell game that was really a Agreement to End The Hostilities Between Active Gangs, Prison Gangs, and Street Gangs.
Now that Azande Zine issues have been Beta-tested within the Condemned population for the chosen few, also select SQSP mainline Inmates in in North Block, Reception Center Housing areas Donner Section and Alpine units, Mule Creek Facility, and other Zinester Community Activist, I trust that we have a product ready for further distribution throughout the Country, and beyond.
Through intense inquiry, I discovered there existed ZERO African American Perspective LGBTQI+ Programming for the Educational, Medical, Spiritual, and Mental Health and wellbeing in no American Prison Facility, NONE.
I have found several Amazing Inmate Created Self-Help Groups for The LGBTQI+ Community, and even with these groups, the primary focus design is Transgender based, and Minimal to no African American Awareness and Studies.
For clarity, here, I will use the SanQuentin Model. What most people dont know is SQ is actually several different Custody Level Prisons located in one Facility.
1. The Mainline population which is primarily a LEVEL II Facility, and in order for inmates to be on this Campus and Participate in Rehabilitative programs, They "All" Must Sign a written agreement with the CDCR to not engage in any Gang Activity, OR acts of violence.
On the Prison Culture side of this NON-Designated Program, the ignorant, institutionalized, Gang mortality inmates, View all NON-Designated program institutions as a) P.C. b) Sensitive Needs c) Dropout d) Snitches e) Rapist f) Homosexuals
Hello Charles I had the unpleasant experience of having a rat run across my arm as I lay in bed watching tv. It actually scratched my arm as it sped across the bed. I was six months pregnant at the time. I ran to the bathroom and doused the scratch in bleach, the strong kind. U.K. rats, where I’m from, carry Weils disease. It’s their urine that carry’s the germ, and it can be fatal. People who enjoy swimming in rivers are prone to it. And then there’s also the fleas on the rats, and the microbes on the fleas on the rats. I was conflicted about extermination being a Buddhist. But it had to be done, a baby was coming and if the rat was bold enough to climb up on a bed where it knew a human was, a crib would be an easy target. So we paid a bloke, and they set traps, and put down poison. And we never saw another one. They are the stuff of nightmares. Smart like us, self preserving and too numerous, Would the death row authorities be open to allowing a couple of cats to be released to the row. They might be more successful that bait trays, and create some good energy among the men who like cats? Obviously not the dog people! Good luck with it. T
I don't require empathy, nor does my Soul require being saved, my foundation is not rooted in the Black Church, as equal protection under the law is exactly what is required. I don't need a program to fix me, I am not broken, and require my own space. I'm not fixed on white people giving us more, I'm protesting anyone who seeks to deny me equal, regardless the melanin density in your skin, I am Human and shall always be engaged on a human level, I am Gay and happy to be myself, as my Humanity, Happiness, Joy and PRIDE is therefore not open for debate.
White people don't understand that while they have become partners with some Black people, they don't understand that those Black people have deraced those of us that they consider "Abominations," or "Infidels", and have been kicked out of our homes, abandoned by our parents, beaten and outcast by our own people that by default, DO NOT speak for us all, thats facts. White people who present as LGBTQAI+ have partnered with the very oppressors of Gay Black inmates then wonder why the crowded closet door remains shut.
It is not safe to come out of a prison closet into a program that offers ZERO safety after the group session is over, white people drive home after the powerful work of getting people to open up, but they don't go back to the cell, yard, the blindspots/Tha Cut, The religious services, and those environments of the ignorant and violent that is conditioned to believe that homosexuality is a white disease and to present as such, will turn into what white people are unable to engage because they have ZERO experience with what being Black is, to Gay people.
Preaching to a choir is easy for white people that create the lesson. As a choirboy, I teach white people that the lesson becomes oppressive when the choir director is molesting me, and all of the others that chose to join a gang, and cross paths again as adults in prison where white people are the most ignorant, Black people are the most silent, and Gay Black incarcerated Americans view the situation from a position that has created the standing room only, in this crowded closet, the only true safe space.
White people with all of the expert answers have no value in a prison setting where the lessons and PREA responders are ignorant to the developing reasons as to why LGBTQIA+ prisoners in California are being violently removed from Level 4 and level 3 prisons by active gangmembers, they don't care that this is happening in reception centers, and county jails all over the state even as I write this, Gay Black Incarcerated Lives don't matter to white LGBTQAI+ people, or fellow Black inmates who are silent, yes, Black silence is violence in prison.
And while the so-called experts on what Gay is to them, attack, from the Straight side and the fellow Gay side, I end up being the only Black man, or California prisoner at San Quentin State Prison that is openly Gay.
One in over 4,000 inmates? For over 30 years? Where else on Earth can we find these numbers? I was raised in the hood just like everyone else, so "Straight Acting" don't apply to those of us who are like me. This is not an act, not at Gay clubs, no parades.
I never struggled with my sexual identity, I don't want to be a female, and "The Down Low" has more to do with security than lifestyle, I'm not a "Homo Thug" or any of the degrading labels that others have placed on people like me.
Nothing, and being Stonewalled is an understatement. They say we are all in this together, yet the proof at San Quentin State Prison shows clearly that Black Incarcerated Gay Lives don't matter to anybody, except for Skylar Brown.
They will say this is not true, and yet, won't even search online the facts about why black PRIDE started in the first place, and come face to face with how they are participating in the continued deprivation of the right to human dignity even during incarceration for all non-white gay people who primarily come from places and experiences they did not volunteer for.
The implicit bias, and racial agenda has collectively and systematically fallen into the controlling hands of those enforcing religious homesteading of the San Quentin Media Center Television innerprison in-cell programming that prevent heros from simply playing DVDs.
Some people are so into themselves, that they portray others as wanting special treatment, they refuse to view society as requiring equal treatment, and an equal presence within the San Quentin Prison Media Center.
If you are Black and Gay, it would be a great blessing of your presence for the education, wellness, spiritual growth, and health of fellow Gay Black incarcerated Americans, here is what we have done without you, so far.
South Chicago ABC Zine Distro P.O. Box 721 Homewood, IL, 60430
Zine issues: 1. Write or die zine * Poetry, Prose & Condz Vol, 3 2. Write or die zine * I AM AZANDE 3. AZANDE Press * The Sound Mind Streamer 4. AZANDE Press * Gaytekeepers 5. AZANDE Press * Liberated Facts 6. AZANDE Press * Direct Message 7. AZANDE Press * 6 (COMING SOON) AZANDE Press * Parallaxboi Mobile EP 2020 (COMING SOON) Write Or Die Zine * Parallaxboi da'VENT 3.0
Now imagine what we are able to accomplish with you. Enjoy your reading and the music on youtube, and
When Black gangmembers file lawsuits, or join movements to expose corruption and abuses in prison against them, they all call it "A Solitary Struggle and Movement."
When Black Gays file complaints that expose abuses against them at the hands of corrupt officers in collective conspiracy with gang members, they all call it snitchin.
To white people who volunteer in prisons, Black becomes the version of Black that they have been exposed to, they believe that if you mention the Black Panther Party, or quote Dr. Martin Luther King, and play anti-death penalty, that they have made the connection required to gain Black acceptance.
I titled this post specifically to encourage monitors of my blog to search Black PRIDE and view the results of what many see as not worthy within the California Prison System.
I am the only openly Black gay man at San Quentin State Prison, and most of you already know, to be black and gay while incarcerated is dangerous on so many levels.
#1. On an official level, all LGBTQAI+ programs are Transgender based, for example, allowable property items, clothing, cosmetics, and Healthcare, also safety and housing
#2 On an Educational and Vocational level, again, not only is programming limited, but again it's primarily designed to engage transgender persons, with curriculum designed for the inclusion of womens issues from a Eurobized perspective, and primarily facilitated by white women that present as lesbians, volunteers, in an all-male prison.
#3 There is an agreement between gangs, and other prison subcultural groups in the entire state of California to remove all gays from Level 4 and now some level 3 prisons, and this removal has been ultra abusive, violent, and amounting to the deracing of all Black men that identify as LGBTQAI+, by fellow inmates, who present as Heterosexual.
Which brings me back to #2. Due to the ethnographic ignorance, and non-presence in areas where the abuses are ongoing, and the total disregard for the physical, spiritual, mental, and educational well-being of Black gays, and Bi-sexual inmates, the programming exacerbates the inhumane treatment for the most underserved demographic of the prison population.
The lack of attention to detail is evident in PRIDE Month recognition in 2020. Most holidays or recognitions only have one day, PRIDE Month is for the entire month of June, in an all male prison, with an influx of innercity youth, and street perspective black culture, not one white person facilitator of any LGBTQIA+ programming at San Quentin State Prison have provided any PRIDE functions, even in the Global COVID-19 virus situations that also affects LGBTQIA+ inmates, have none of them been able to provide any efforts equal to what is being done by other vocational volunteers educational, and religious departments, with inner-prison televised DVDs for the sound, compassion, and informational awareness for inmates.
Today is June 25th, and still, NOTHING, as the COVID-19 virus spreads at SQSP, NOTHING, I myself tested positive for COVID-19 virus a week ago, and I'm housed on Death Row, in fact, for many years I've worked to provided DVDs of LGBTQIA+ perspective in the 1st historical LGBTQIA+ spirituality group, we call our program The Sound Mind Streamer, please check out our post about The Sound Mind Streamer, and our journey right here.
We also need to stop forcing our youth to falsely assume that all black people today are in America as a direct result of American slavery, and moreover, the flat-out lie that all Black Africans at the bottom of those slave ships was Kings and Queens, and heterosexual warriors, it is our youth who are the Kings. Instead of using criminal DNA data-base systems to seek further incarcerative enslavement of Black people, the Act of Reparation's should start by using that information to connect people to who they really are, and where we all come from and get really specific about which Black persons are owed reparations based on bloodline, captain's logs, and the Dr. Gates Magic, and Ancestor dot. com, that's if real unity is required.
Boooooo Hatred, Julia, this one is for you for being a true warrior and medium of Humanity.
Today, in America we have been caught up in the names and statues of white people that have caused Black people great harm, and we forget to tell our young people about the Julia's in history that did not require White Guilt, Protest, Law Changes, or Riots to simply be Human.
Where is the Statue of People like Julia from history, and the Julia's of today?
The following contains a few surface-level issues that we can encourage our youth to engage as deep-seated issues that require all of our attention while we are on the road to allowing our youth to lead all of the us away from the ignorance and horrific damage of racism.
Telling our young people about U.S. history and slavery can, to them, be viewed as an all-out indictment against all white people, and the white youth in America today.
When we encourage young people to study history for themselves, they will discover that in America, some white people was not only against slavery, but some even protested against it, and some were even killed for fighting back, helping slaves escape, and caring for them as fellow human beings.
Our youth will also discover that Black people also owned slaves, as did some Native American Indian Tribes, and nobody is demanding the Indians to give The Freeman's due share.
Our youth will also discover that many Muslims bought, sold, castrated, and traded African slaves.
Our youth will discover that to this day, some Africans themselves still benefit from selling slaves.
Our youth may even pose a new question as to why the U.S. Co-Defendants of the institution of slavery is never required responsibility for their share of such horrors?
Black People don't demand Reparations from Christianity, Islam, or fellow Africans that played a critical roll of the the results we see today, as we turn slavery from Business to Race, and wonder why our youth are forced to experience Business today as an ever intense struggle to get on top.
Our youth will also learn that New Money from Tech worlds, investors, and science innovation etc, did not come from being simply white, or descendants of slave owners.
Our youth will also find out that U.S. Prison Populations are so white, that mass incarceration needs a second look when it comes to systematic attacks on communities that exist below the poverty line, where white privilege is a fallacy.
Our youth may wonder the difference between lesser of most many evils between being killed by a white cop, or an non-white cop, and attempt to rationalize a fake balance of corruption.
prong for the forced, violent
physical removal of the
so-called "undesirable" inmates.
Some Gangmembers relayed to
me that they was NOT involved
in said action and agreement
with other Gangs.
I expressed to them that there is
a contribution of Blackness when
we as a people hold the White
Silence is violence disposition
over white people, and Police
officers that call themselves good,
yet do, and say nothing about
fellow white people and Police
Brutality and Murder of OUR
Black Youth, and yet, Fellow
Gang Members, of all races spit
on, and toss urin and feces on
Black-Gay Inmates in Gang Silence?
Other Gangmembers say, "Well, we
got tired of The Homies to fight
and Kill each other in Jails Prisons,
The Streets, and in The Hood, and
nobody has agreed to get Rid of
all females.
Another Gangmembers said, "Well
Homosexuals be Snitchin, and using
prison yards as a Hurting ground
to turn out The Homies.
I said "Snitchin is a regular Component
to ctiminal life, and for decades
Gangmembers have been notorious for
Snitchin. moreover. When a Gangmember
snitches, nobody agrees to get rid of
all Gangmembers, and Gangmembers are
still snitchin to this day, in fact to
Your other part, Gangs are also Known
to use prison Yards as a Hunting
grown to "turn others out" into being
gangmembers, and nobody has called
for an agreement to get rid of those
that do what You speak of.
Another Gangmember said "Well, 9 times
out of 10, agz are in prison for
being pedophile Childmolesters,
Raping little boys, so they had to go."
I replied that the stats show that
most pedophiles, Rapist, and Child molsters
identify and present as Heterosexual,
and there are more sex offenders
who identify as heterosexual Gangmembers
who are Black and on so-called
Death Row Solid yards than Blacks
assigned to so-called SNY yards
put together, to this very second.
Infact, the very Gangs that are
involved in the agreement, made the
agreement with, and are still on the
yard with, Pedophiles, Child Molesters,
Serial Rapist with Media given
nicknames and other sex related
offenses, and nobody is "Getting Rid of
them because they are the Homies?"
The last Gangmember said, "Well,
Governor Gavin Newsome supports Gay
shit, so at some point, especially if
a few fagz get somked (killed), then
He will force CDCR to Stop That
5050 program merger bullshit, and
the white man brought that
Homosexual shit to Afruca anyway,
Fuck all Fags, and you're an
My apit became, IF my Black
adverary, with His Brilliant Book
writing ass was this ignorant to the
Facts, then how much more ignorant
was my fellow Black Gay Family?
So with love, I created Azande
Press Zine Issue Series
-F. Smith
Level FOUR, and Level THREE
institutions, in the event that
other inmates discover that
a fellow inmate was Housed
in a Non-Designated Prison,
that inmate will be physically
attacked and not allowed to
Therefore, it becomes a very
fraudulant claim of any
program for LGBTQI+, to
intend to end violence against
LGBTQI+ inmates at SQSP
Because that type of program
is only offered to a portion
of the prison population that
are not under direct threat
of violence, and have already
signed an agreement with
CDCR to not forfit program
status through Gang activity
and violence.
SanQuentin's other inmate
population programs have ZERO
inter existence with eachother,
for example:
1. SanQuentin is also a
Northern Reception Center
for inmates who are
recently commited, and
are awaiting endorcement
for Housing within the
States Multiple Institutions
1. Donner Section
2. Badger Section
3. Alpine Unit
4. Carson Section
In the event that an inmate
openly identifies to any degree
as LGBTQI+ in these Units,
that inmate is subjected to
brutal assaults and beatings,
that include being Spit on,
having Water, Urin, Feces,
and Dirty Condoms douced
on them, and forced to be
rehoused in Alpine Unit
which is primarily a P.C.
Protective Custody program,
with Reception Center
Over-Flow tiers
There are no LGBTQI+
Programming and services in
Donner, Badger, and Carson
Sections, also ZERO in
Alpine, where no inmate
has signed the agreement
with The Department to
NON Designated Status
programming, as LGBTQi+
Inmates have no place to
land, ZERO resources.
2. SanQuentin is also a
prison that Houses Death
Row Inamte population
2. unit NORTH-Seg
3. Ajustment Center
4. 1st and 2nd Tiers- DONNER Section
Through fur there resaerch, I
also found ZERO Reports, OR
DISTRICT Attorney Referrals for
the prosecution of any inmate
for Hate Crimes against
another inamte based on
Sexual Orientation, and Identity,
as far back as 30 years.
Surprisingly most Gangs and
subcultural groups was upfront
to state after a recent
struggle against The Department to
be released from years of solitary
Confinement, and back into the
CDCR Generaly Population, The
Department moved to Change to
a different Prison model called
Non-Designated programs that
would mix the 5050 versions
of the programs in all California
fusions with Gang Dropouts, SNY's,
Rapist, Child Molesters, EVERYone
in the same program.
In an attempt to stop CDCR from
moving forward with this Model.
The Gangs made an agreement
amongst themselves to end all
of the Hostilities Between the
Races, which turned out to
be a clandestien shell game
that was really a Agreement
to End The Hostilities Between
Active Gangs, Prison Gangs,
and Street Gangs.
Now that Azande Zine issues
have been Beta-tested within
the Condemned population for the
chosen few, also select SQSP
mainline Inmates in in North Block,
Reception Center Housing areas
Donner Section and Alpine
units, Mule Creek Facility,
and other Zinester Community
Activist, I trust that we
have a product ready for
further distribution throughout
the Country, and beyond.
Through intense inquiry, I
discovered there existed ZERO
African American Perspective
LGBTQI+ Programming for
the Educational, Medical,
Spiritual, and Mental Health
and wellbeing in no American
Prison Facility, NONE.
I have found several Amazing
Inmate Created Self-Help
Groups for The LGBTQI+
Community, and even with
these groups, the primary
focus design is Transgender
based, and Minimal to no
African American Awareness and
For clarity, here, I will use
the SanQuentin Model. What
most people dont know is SQ
is actually several different
Custody Level Prisons located
in one Facility.
1. The Mainline population
which is primarily a
LEVEL II Facility, and
in order for inmates to be
on this Campus and
Participate in Rehabilitative
programs, They "All" Must
Sign a written agreement
with the CDCR to not
engage in any Gang Activity,
OR acts of violence.
On the Prison Culture side of
this NON-Designated Program,
the ignorant, institutionalized,
Gang mortality inmates, View
all NON-Designated program
institutions as
a) P.C.
b) Sensitive Needs
c) Dropout
d) Snitches
e) Rapist
f) Homosexuals
I had the unpleasant experience of having a rat run across my arm as I lay in bed watching tv. It actually scratched my arm as it sped across the bed. I was six months pregnant at the time. I ran to the bathroom and doused the scratch in bleach, the strong kind. U.K. rats, where I’m from, carry Weils disease. It’s their urine that carry’s the germ, and it can be fatal. People who enjoy swimming in rivers are prone to it. And then there’s also the fleas on the rats, and the microbes on the fleas on the rats.
I was conflicted about extermination being a Buddhist. But it had to be done, a baby was coming and if the rat was bold enough to climb up on a bed where it knew a human was, a crib would be an easy target. So we paid a bloke, and they set traps, and put down poison. And we never saw another one.
They are the stuff of nightmares. Smart like us, self preserving and too numerous,
Would the death row authorities be open to allowing a couple of cats to be released to the row. They might be more successful that bait trays, and create some good energy among the men who like cats? Obviously not the dog people!
Good luck with it.
Happy Black PRIDE!
It is not safe to come out of a prison closet into a program that offers ZERO safety after the group session is over, white people drive home after the powerful work of getting people to open up, but they don't go back to the cell, yard, the blindspots/Tha Cut, The religious services, and those environments of the ignorant and violent that is conditioned to believe that homosexuality is a white disease and to present as such, will turn into what white people are unable to engage because they have ZERO experience with what being Black is, to Gay people.
Preaching to a choir is easy for white people that create the lesson. As a choirboy, I teach white people that the lesson becomes oppressive when the choir director is molesting me, and all of the others that chose to join a gang, and cross paths again as adults in prison where white people are the most ignorant, Black people are the most silent, and Gay Black incarcerated Americans view the situation from a position that has created the standing room only, in this crowded closet, the only true safe space.
White people with all of the expert answers have no value in a prison setting where the lessons and PREA responders are ignorant to the developing reasons as to why LGBTQIA+ prisoners in California are being violently removed from Level 4 and level 3 prisons by active gangmembers, they don't care that this is happening in reception centers, and county jails all over the state even as I write this, Gay Black Incarcerated Lives don't matter to white LGBTQAI+ people, or fellow Black inmates who are silent, yes, Black silence is violence in prison.
And while the so-called experts on what Gay is to them, attack, from the Straight side and the fellow Gay side, I end up being the only Black man, or California prisoner at San Quentin State Prison that is openly Gay.
One in over 4,000 inmates? For over 30 years? Where else on Earth can we find these numbers? I was raised in the hood just like everyone else, so "Straight Acting" don't apply to those of us who are like me. This is not an act, not at Gay clubs, no parades.
I never struggled with my sexual identity, I don't want to be a female, and "The Down Low" has more to do with security than lifestyle, I'm not a "Homo Thug" or any of the degrading labels that others have placed on people like me.
They will say this is not true, and yet, won't even search online the facts about why black PRIDE started in the first place, and come face to face with how they are participating in the continued deprivation of the right to human dignity even during incarceration for all non-white gay people who primarily come from places and experiences they did not volunteer for.
The implicit bias, and racial agenda has collectively and systematically fallen into the controlling hands of those enforcing religious homesteading of the San Quentin Media Center Television innerprison in-cell programming that prevent heros from simply playing DVDs.
Some people are so into themselves, that they portray others as wanting special treatment, they refuse to view society as requiring equal treatment, and an equal presence within the San Quentin Prison Media Center.
If you are Black and Gay, it would be a great blessing of your presence for the education, wellness, spiritual growth, and health of fellow Gay Black incarcerated Americans, here is what we have done without you, so far.
South Chicago ABC Zine Distro
P.O. Box 721
Homewood, IL, 60430
Zine issues:
1. Write or die zine * Poetry, Prose & Condz Vol, 3
2. Write or die zine * I AM AZANDE
3. AZANDE Press * The Sound Mind Streamer
4. AZANDE Press * Gaytekeepers
5. AZANDE Press * Liberated Facts
6. AZANDE Press * Direct Message
7. AZANDE Press * 6
(COMING SOON) AZANDE Press * Parallaxboi Mobile EP 2020
(COMING SOON) Write Or Die Zine * Parallaxboi da'VENT 3.0
Now imagine what we are able to accomplish with you.
Enjoy your reading and the music on youtube, and
When Black gangmembers file lawsuits, or join movements to expose corruption and abuses in prison against them, they all call it "A Solitary Struggle and Movement."
When Black Gays file complaints that expose abuses against them at the hands of corrupt officers in collective conspiracy with gang members, they all call it snitchin.
To white people who volunteer in prisons, Black becomes the version of Black that they have been exposed to, they believe that if you mention the Black Panther Party, or quote Dr. Martin Luther King, and play anti-death penalty, that they have made the connection required to gain Black acceptance.
Happy Black PRIDE!
I titled this post specifically to encourage monitors of my blog to search Black PRIDE and view the results of what many see as not worthy within the California Prison System.
I am the only openly Black gay man at San Quentin State Prison, and most of you already know, to be black and gay while incarcerated is dangerous on so many levels.
#1. On an official level, all LGBTQAI+ programs are Transgender based, for example, allowable property items, clothing, cosmetics, and Healthcare, also safety and housing
#2 On an Educational and Vocational level, again, not only is programming limited, but again it's primarily designed to engage transgender persons, with curriculum designed for the inclusion of womens issues from a Eurobized perspective, and primarily facilitated by white women that present as lesbians, volunteers, in an all-male prison.
#3 There is an agreement between gangs, and other prison subcultural groups in the entire state of California to remove all gays from Level 4 and now some level 3 prisons, and this removal has been ultra abusive, violent, and amounting to the deracing of all Black men that identify as LGBTQAI+, by fellow inmates, who present as Heterosexual.
Which brings me back to #2. Due to the ethnographic ignorance, and non-presence in areas where the abuses are ongoing, and the total disregard for the physical, spiritual, mental, and educational well-being of Black gays, and Bi-sexual inmates, the programming exacerbates the inhumane treatment for the most underserved demographic of the prison population.
The lack of attention to detail is evident in PRIDE Month recognition in 2020. Most holidays or recognitions only have one day, PRIDE Month is for the entire month of June, in an all male prison, with an influx of innercity youth, and street perspective black culture, not one white person facilitator of any LGBTQIA+ programming at San Quentin State Prison have provided any PRIDE functions, even in the Global COVID-19 virus situations that also affects LGBTQIA+ inmates, have none of them been able to provide any efforts equal to what is being done by other vocational volunteers educational, and religious departments, with inner-prison televised DVDs for the sound, compassion, and informational awareness for inmates.
Today is June 25th, and still, NOTHING, as the COVID-19 virus spreads at SQSP, NOTHING, I myself tested positive for COVID-19 virus a week ago, and I'm housed on Death Row, in fact, for many years I've worked to provided DVDs of LGBTQIA+ perspective in the 1st historical LGBTQIA+ spirituality group, we call our program The Sound Mind Streamer, please check out our post about The Sound Mind Streamer, and our journey right here.
Julia, this one is for you for being a true warrior and medium of Humanity.
Today, in America we have been caught up in the names and statues of white people that have caused Black people great harm, and we forget to tell our young people about the Julia's in history that did not require White Guilt, Protest, Law Changes, or Riots to simply be Human.
Where is the Statue of People like Julia from history, and the Julia's of today?
The following contains a few surface-level issues that we can encourage our youth to engage as deep-seated issues that require all of our attention while we are on the road to allowing our youth to lead all of the us away from the ignorance and horrific damage of racism.
Telling our young people about U.S. history and slavery can, to them, be viewed as an all-out indictment against all white people, and the white youth in America today.
When we encourage young people to study history for themselves, they will discover that in America, some white people was not only against slavery, but some even protested against it, and some were even killed for fighting back, helping slaves escape, and caring for them as fellow human beings.
Our youth will also discover that Black people also owned slaves, as did some Native American Indian Tribes, and nobody is demanding the Indians to give The Freeman's due share.
Our youth will also discover that many Muslims bought, sold, castrated, and traded African slaves.
Our youth will discover that to this day, some Africans themselves still benefit from selling slaves.
Our youth may even pose a new question as to why the U.S. Co-Defendants of the institution of slavery is never required responsibility for their share of such horrors?
Black People don't demand Reparations from Christianity, Islam, or fellow Africans that played a critical roll of the the results we see today, as we turn slavery from Business to Race, and wonder why our youth are forced to experience Business today as an ever intense struggle to get on top.
Our youth will also learn that New Money from Tech worlds, investors, and science innovation etc, did not come from being simply white, or descendants of slave owners.
Our youth will also find out that U.S. Prison Populations are so white, that mass incarceration needs a second look when it comes to systematic attacks on communities that exist below the poverty line, where white privilege is a fallacy.
Our youth may wonder the difference between lesser of most many evils between being killed by a white cop, or an non-white cop, and attempt to rationalize a fake balance of corruption.